当我的函数轻松返回值时,我很难理解为什么我不断收到异常,但是一旦我尝试 printf 结果,它就会给我一个未处理的异常错误(见下文)我是 C 新手所以我一直在从 java 的角度看待一切,但我无法弄清楚。

这是我的相关代码(reduce 采用链表,它是一个包含 int 值的节点数组,以及指向列表中下一个节点的指针,最后一个节点指向 null)

int reduce(int (*func)(int v1, int v2), LinkedListP list, int init){

int i, sum;
struct node *first, *second;

sum = 0;
first = list->head;
second = list->head->next;

for(i = 0;i < list->count; i+=2)
//checks to see if there are values in the list at all
if(first == NULL)
    return sum;
//if first value is good, and the second value is null, then sum the final one and return the result
else if(second == NULL)
    sum += func(first->value, init);
        return sum;

//otherwise there is more to compute
    sum += func(first->value, second->value);

    //first now points to the next node that seconds node was pointing to
    first = second->next;

    //if the first link is null, then there is no need to assign something to the second one
    if(first == NULL){
        return sum;
        second = first->next;



在 main 中,我将一个指针传递给一个名为 sum 的函数,它只是将两个值相加


newLink = new_LinkedList();
int(*reduceFunc)(int, int);
reduceFunc = sum;

result = reduce(sum, newLink, 0);

printf("Total is : %s", result );


ExamTwo.exe 中 0x1029984f 处的未处理异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突读取位置 0x00000015。


2 回答 2


您的 reduce() 函数返回一个 int,但您为 printf() 提供了字符串的格式代码。尝试

printf("Total is : %d", result );
于 2012-04-14T20:43:38.753 回答

您需要在 printf 中将 %s 替换为 %d。

于 2012-04-14T20:43:27.397 回答