我正在寻找修复 jqgrid 列标题和固定页脚。当有其他项目以及带有数据的 jqgrid 时,我正在寻找修复标题,以便用户始终知道他在看什么。
请注意,这里我正在查看浏览器滚动条。jqgrid 支持这个吗?
因为 JQGrid 毕竟是 html 表格,所以我尝试使用jQuery TH Float Plugin。现在事实证明,JqGrid 由三个表组成,一个用于页眉,一个用于数据,另一个用于页脚。所以看来我要么必须修改 thfloat 以适应这一点,要么想出别的东西......
我正在寻找修复 jqgrid 列标题和固定页脚。当有其他项目以及带有数据的 jqgrid 时,我正在寻找修复标题,以便用户始终知道他在看什么。
请注意,这里我正在查看浏览器滚动条。jqgrid 支持这个吗?
因为 JQGrid 毕竟是 html 表格,所以我尝试使用jQuery TH Float Plugin。现在事实证明,JqGrid 由三个表组成,一个用于页眉,一个用于数据,另一个用于页脚。所以看来我要么必须修改 thfloat 以适应这一点,要么想出别的东西......
我让它通过 First css 覆盖默认值溢出:隐藏到
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-sdiv{overflow:visible;}
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-hdiv{overflow:visible;}
在 javascript JQuery 来救我我实现了以下
function screenBottom() {
return $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
$(window).scroll(function () {
var dataTableTop = dataTable.offset().top;
var dataTableHeight = dataTableTop + dataTable.outerHeight();
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var windowBottom = screenBottom();
//Scroll down
if (windowTop > dataTableTop - headerTable.height()
&& windowTop < (dataTableHeight - headerTable.height())) {
headerTable.offset({ top: windowTop, left: headerTable.offset().left });
//For footer
if (windowBottom > dataTable.offset().top + footerTable.outerHeight()
&& windowBottom < dataTableHeight + footerTable.outerHeight()) {
footerTable.offset({ top: windowBottom - footerTable.outerHeight(), left: footerTable.offset().left });
//Re adjust of the movement is too fast
if (windowTop < (dataTableTop - headerTable.height())
&& dataTableTop < (headerTable.offset().top + headerTable.height())) {
headerTable.offset({ top: dataTable.offset().top - headerTable.height(), left: headerTable.offset().left });
if (windowBottom > dataTableHeight + footerTable.outerHeight()) {
footerTable.offset({ top: dataTableHeight, left: footerTable.offset().left });
$(window).resize(function () {
function setInitializeHeadersAndFootersPosition() {
var dataTableTop = dataTable.offset().top;
var dataTableHeight = dataTableTop + dataTable.outerHeight();
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var windowBottom = screenBottom();
if (windowBottom > dataTableTop && windowBottom < dataTableHeight) {
footerTable.offset({ top: windowBottom - footerTable.outerHeight(), left: footerTable.offset().left });
if (footerTable.offset().top < dataTableHeight && windowBottom > dataTableHeight) {
footerTable.offset({ top: dataTableHeight, left: footerTable.offset().left });
if (windowTop > dataTableTop && windowTop < dataTableHeight) {
headerTable.offset({ top: windowTop, left: headerTable.offset().left }); //Header does not need the offset
$(window).bind('scroll', function () {
var _grid = $('#jqGrid'); // jqgrid name
var dataTable = $(_grid[0].grid.bDiv);
var headerTable = $(_grid[0].grid.hDiv);
var dataTableTop = dataTable.offset().top;
var dataTableHeight = dataTableTop + dataTable.outerHeight();
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var headerTablePosition = headerTable[0].style.position;
//Scroll down
if (windowTop > dataTableTop - headerTable.height() && windowTop < (dataTableHeight - headerTable.height()) && headerTablePosition != "fixed")
var leftOffset = headerTable.offset().left + 'px'; // grab the offset before changing postition
$(dataTable).css("top", (headerTable.height()+1) + "px"); // +1 to account for the border width of the header
headerTable[0].style.position = "fixed";
headerTable[0].style.top = "0px";
headerTable[0].style.left = leftOffset;
dataTable[0].style.height = "auto";
$($(_grid[0].grid.sDiv)).css("top", (headerTable.height() + 1) + "px"); // footer table, +1 to account for the border width of the header
var gridHeightString = $('#gview_jqGrid').css("height").replace("px", "");
var newGridHeight = parseInt(gridHeightString) + headerTable.height() + 1; // +1 to account for the border width of the header
$("#gview_jqGrid").css("height", newGridHeight + "px"); //outermost grid element
//Scroll up
else if (windowTop < (dataTableTop - headerTable.height()) && headerTablePosition == "fixed")
headerTable[0].style.left = "0px";
headerTable[0].style.position = "relative";
$(dataTable).css("top", "0px");
$($(_grid[0].grid.sDiv)).css("top", "0px"); // footer table
$("#gview_jqGrid").css("height", "100%"); //outermost grid element
//grid = $("#yourGrid").jqGrid( ...
dataTable = $(grid[0].grid.bDiv);
footerTable = $(grid[0].grid.sDiv);
headerTable = $(grid[0].grid.hDiv);
//my header column was behind the grid
headerTable.css('z-index', '1000');