,我设置了 contentsScale,之后文本看起来不错,但如果我应用 3d 旋转变换,文本会变得模糊。



    // init text
    textLayer_ = [CATextLayer layer];
    textLayer_.contentsScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];

    // init body path
    pathLayer_ = [CAShapeLayer layer];
    [pathLayer_ addSublayer:textLayer_];


    // make the mirror
    pathLayer_.transform = CATransform3DRotate(pathLayer_.transform, M_PI, 0, 1, 0);
    textLayer_.transform = CATransform3DRotate(textLayer_.transform, M_PI, 0, 1, 0);
    [textLayer_ setNeedsDisplay];


    // init text
    textLayer_ = [CATextLayer layer];
    textLayer_.transform = CATransform3DRotate(textLayer_.transform, M_PI, 0, 1, 0);
    textLayer_.contentsScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];

保持清晰的 图像


2 回答 2



这里可能发生的是它决定必须将 textLayer 渲染为像素。请注意CALayer 类参考中的 shouldRasterize警告:

当此属性的值为 NO 时,图层将尽可能直接合成到目标中。如果合成模型的某些特征(例如包含过滤器)需要,图层仍可以在合成之前进行光栅化。

所以,CATextLayer 可能会突然决定光栅化。如果它是旋转层的子层,它决定栅格化。所以,不要让这种情况发生。


这将带您回到导致文本反转的解决方案。您可以通过关闭doubleSided文本图层来防止这种情况。您的标志现在将在远端为空白,因此添加第二个文本层,相对于第一个旋转 180 度。


@property (retain) CAShapeLayer *pathLayer;
@property (retain) CATextLayer *textLayerFront;
@property (retain) CATextLayer *textLayerBack;

然后,将它们初始化为单面,背面层旋转 180 度:

CAShapeLayer *pathLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
// Also need to store a UIBezierPath in the pathLayer.

CATextLayer *textLayerFront = [CATextLayer layer];
textLayerFront.doubleSided = NO;
textLayerFront.string = @"Front";
textLayerFront.contentsScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];

CATextLayer *textLayerBack = [CATextLayer layer];
textLayerBack.doubleSided = NO;
// Eventually both sides will have the same text, but for demonstration purposes we will label them differently.
textLayerBack.string = @"Back";
// Rotate the back layer 180 degrees relative to the front layer.
textLayerBack.transform = CATransform3DRotate(textLayerBack.transform, M_PI, 0, 1, 0);
textLayerBack.contentsScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];

// Make all the layers siblings.  These means they must all be rotated independently of each other.

// The layers can flicker if their Z position is close to the background, so move them forward.
// This will not work if the main layer has a perspective transform on it.
textLayerFront.zPosition = 256;
textLayerBack.zPosition = 256;

// It would make sense to make the text layers siblings of the path layer, but this seems to mean they get pre-rendered, blurring them.
[self.layer addSublayer:pathLayer];
[self.layer addSublayer:textLayerBack];
[self.layer addSublayer:textLayerFront];

// Store the layers constructed at this time for later use.
[self setTextLayerFront:textLayerFront];
[self setTextLayerBack:textLayerBack];
[self setPathLayer:pathLayer];


CGFloat angle = M_PI;
self.pathLayer.transform = CATransform3DRotate(self.pathLayer.transform, angle, 0, 1, 0);
self.textLayerFront.transform = CATransform3DRotate(self.textLayerFront.transform, angle, 0, 1, 0);
self.textLayerBack.transform = CATransform3DRotate(self.textLayerBack.transform, angle, 0, 1, 0);




如果您确实需要以导致 CATextLayer 光栅化的方式来操作文本显示,还有另一种方法:将文本转换为UIBezierPath表示形式。然后可以将其放置在 CAShapeLayer 中。这样做需要深入研究 Core Text,但结果是强大的。例如,您可以为正在绘制的文本设置动画

// - (UIBezierPath*) bezierPathWithString:(NSString*) string font:(UIFont*) font inRect:(CGRect) rect;
// Requires CoreText.framework
// This creates a graphical version of the input screen, line wrapped to the input rect.
// Core Text involves a whole hierarchy of objects, all requiring manual management.
- (UIBezierPath*) bezierPathWithString:(NSString*) string font:(UIFont*) font inRect:(CGRect) rect;
    UIBezierPath *combinedGlyphsPath = nil;
    CGMutablePathRef combinedGlyphsPathRef = CGPathCreateMutable();
    if (combinedGlyphsPathRef)
        // It would be easy to wrap the text into a different shape, including arbitrary bezier paths, if needed.
        UIBezierPath *frameShape = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:rect];

        // If the font name wasn't found while creating the font object, the result is a crash.
        // Avoid this by falling back to the system font.
        CTFontRef fontRef;
        if ([font fontName])
            fontRef = CTFontCreateWithName((__bridge CFStringRef) [font fontName], [font pointSize], NULL);
        else if (font)
            fontRef = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(kCTFontUserFontType, [font pointSize], NULL);
            fontRef = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(kCTFontUserFontType, [UIFont systemFontSize], NULL);

        if (fontRef)
            CGPoint basePoint = CGPointMake(0, CTFontGetAscent(fontRef));
            CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName };
            CFTypeRef values[] = { fontRef };
            CFDictionaryRef attributesRef = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values,
                                                               sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

            if (attributesRef)
                CFAttributedStringRef attributedStringRef = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, (__bridge CFStringRef) string, attributesRef);

                if (attributedStringRef)
                    CTFramesetterRef frameSetterRef = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attributedStringRef);

                    if (frameSetterRef)
                        CTFrameRef frameRef = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(frameSetterRef, CFRangeMake(0,0), [frameShape CGPath], NULL);

                        if (frameRef)
                            CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(frameRef);
                            CFIndex lineCount = CFArrayGetCount(lines);
                            CGPoint lineOrigins[lineCount];
                            CTFrameGetLineOrigins(frameRef, CFRangeMake(0, lineCount), lineOrigins);

                            for (CFIndex lineIndex = 0; lineIndex<lineCount; lineIndex++)
                                CTLineRef lineRef = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(lines, lineIndex);
                                CGPoint lineOrigin = lineOrigins[lineIndex];

                                CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(lineRef);

                                CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(runs);
                                for (CFIndex runIndex = 0; runIndex<runCount; runIndex++)
                                    CTRunRef runRef = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runs, runIndex);

                                    CFIndex glyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount(runRef);
                                    CGGlyph glyphs[glyphCount];
                                    CGSize glyphAdvances[glyphCount];
                                    CGPoint glyphPositions[glyphCount];

                                    CFRange runRange = CFRangeMake(0, glyphCount);
                                    CTRunGetGlyphs(runRef, CFRangeMake(0, glyphCount), glyphs);
                                    CTRunGetPositions(runRef, runRange, glyphPositions);

                                    CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(fontRef, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, glyphs, glyphAdvances, glyphCount);

                                    for (CFIndex glyphIndex = 0; glyphIndex<glyphCount; glyphIndex++)
                                        CGGlyph glyph = glyphs[glyphIndex];

                                        // For regular UIBezierPath drawing, we need to invert around the y axis.
                                        CGAffineTransform glyphTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(lineOrigin.x+glyphPositions[glyphIndex].x, rect.size.height-lineOrigin.y-glyphPositions[glyphIndex].y);
                                        glyphTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(glyphTransform, 1, -1);

                                        CGPathRef glyphPathRef = CTFontCreatePathForGlyph(fontRef, glyph, &glyphTransform);
                                        if (glyphPathRef)
                                            // Finally carry out the appending.
                                            CGPathAddPath(combinedGlyphsPathRef, NULL, glyphPathRef);


                                        basePoint.x += glyphAdvances[glyphIndex].width;
                                        basePoint.y += glyphAdvances[glyphIndex].height;
                                basePoint.x = 0;
                                basePoint.y += CTFontGetAscent(fontRef) + CTFontGetDescent(fontRef) + CTFontGetLeading(fontRef);


        // Casting a CGMutablePathRef to a CGPathRef seems to be the only way to convert what was just built into a UIBezierPath.
        combinedGlyphsPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithCGPath:(CGPathRef) combinedGlyphsPathRef];

    return combinedGlyphsPath;

这是使用上述方法创建的旋转轮廓文本。也可以在文本层的 z 位置不明显的情况下添加透视图。


于 2012-04-15T04:14:15.407 回答


myTextLayer.contentsScale = UIScreen.mainScreen.scale;


于 2019-03-24T00:50:34.827 回答