
"(and(x x))"
"(or (and x z) y)"
"(and (or z (not x))(or e a))"


(or x nil) => x; 
(or nil x) => x;
(or 1 x) => 1;
(or x 1) => 1;
(and x nil) => nil; 
(and nil x) => nil;
(and x 1) => x; 
(and 1 x) => x;
(not nil) => 1;
(not 1) => nil;
(not (and x y)) => (or (not x) (not y));
(not (or x y)) => (and (not x) (not y));


and or x y z //ArrayBuffer[String]


"(and z (or x y)" // the case when the left symbol is simple but the right side must be recursed
"(and (or x y) z)" // case when the right symbol is simple but the right side must be recursed
"(and x y)" // simple case where no recursion is necessary


"(and (or (and x y) z)(or x a))"
"(and (or (and x y) z)(or (and y z) a))"



3 回答 3

and or x y z //ArrayBuffer[String]


相反,您应该使用递归定义的类层次结构来表示表达式。在不提供太多细节的情况下,您可能会拥有一个接口(aTrait或 abstract Class),以及该接口的实现者,它们取决于参数的数量:一个用于具有三个部分的表达式(如 ((or, x, y)(and, (or x y), z))),一个用于具有两个部分的表达式(like (not, x)),一个用于带有一部分的表达式(like x, y, z, nil, 等)。


def simplify(expression: ExpressionIterface) = 
    expression match {
        case /* pattern */ => /* result, possibly with a recursive call to simplify */

编辑:ArrayBuffer[String]可以使用简单的递归解析函数将 转换为您的类,因为您知道每个运算符应该关联多少个参数。您可以遍历缓冲区,每次看到andoror时,您开始创建 3 部分表达式,每次看到 anot时,您开始创建 2 部分表达式,并为其他任何内容创建 1 部分表达式。

于 2012-04-14T02:29:04.503 回答

我认为这在Scala by Example 一书中以 PDF 形式提供,可从 scala lang 网站获得(参见第 7 章)。我的建议是使用案例类来表示您的表达式,然后使用模式匹配来简化表达式:


scala> trait Expr { def simplify:Expr = this }
defined trait Expr

在这里,我让 Expr trait 实现了一个默认simplify方法,该方法只返回扩展 trait 的对象。所以让我们添加一些简单的表达式:

scala> case object True extends Expr
defined module True

scala> case object False extends Expr
defined module False

scala> case class Var(name:String) extends Expr { override def toString = name }
defined class Var

True并在你的例子中False代表1和。将用于表示尚无真值的变量,例如您的示例中的 x、y、a 和 b。Var 还覆盖了使打印输出更漂亮的方法:)nilVartoString


scala> case class And(a:Expr, b:Expr) extends Expr {
     | override def simplify = (a.simplify, b.simplify) match {
     | case (True,x) => x
     | case (x,True) => x
     | case (False,x) => False
     | case (x,False) => False
     | case (x,y) => And(x,y)
     | }
     | }
defined class And

scala> case class Or(a:Expr, b:Expr) extends Expr {
     | override def simplify = (a.simplify, b.simplify) match {
     | case (True,x) => True
     | case (x,True) => True
     | case (False,x) => x
     | case (x,False) => x
     | case (x,y) => Or(x,y)
     | }
     | }
defined class Or

And并且Or都覆盖特征中的simplify方法Expr并返回其自身及其子表达式的简化版本。现在,这些可用于构建表达式以及更简单的 True、False 和 Var 表达式:

scala> val X = Var("X"); val Y = Var("Y"); val A = Var("A"); val B = Var("B")
X: Var = X
Y: Var = Y
A: Var = A
B: Var = B

scala> And(X, True).simplify
res10: Expr = X

scala> And(X, And(Y, False)).simplify
res11: Expr = False

scala> And(X, Or(Y, False)).simplify
res12: Expr = And(X,Y)

scala> Or(True, And(X, Or(Y, False))).simplify
res13: Expr = True

最后我们为 not 添加一个表达式:

scala> case class Not(a:Expr) extends Expr {
     | override def simplify = a.simplify match {
     | case True => False
     | case False => True
     | case And(x,y) => Or(Not(x),Not(y))
     | case Or(x,y) => And(Not(x),Not(y))
     | case Not(x) => x
     | case x => Not(x)
     | }
     | }
defined class Not

现在我们可以表示您示例中的表达式。但是对于某些表达式,这个 Not case 类不会做一个完整的简化,例如

scala> Not(Or(Not(X),Y)).simplify
res41: Expr = And(Not(Not(X)),Not(Y))


scala> case class Not(a:Expr) extends Expr {
     | override def simplify = recursiveSimplify(a, a)
     | private def recursiveSimplify(curExpr:Expr, lastExpr:Expr):Expr = if(curExpr != lastExpr) {
     | val newExpr = curExpr.simplify match {
     | case True => False
     | case False => True
     | case Var(x) => Not(Var(x))
     | case Not(x) => x
     | case And(x,y) => Or(Not(x), Not(y))
     | case Or(x,y) => And(Not(x), Not(y))
     | }
     | recursiveSimplify(newExpr, curExpr)
     | } else {
     | lastExpr
     | }
     | }
defined class Not


scala> Not(Or(Not(X),Y)).simplify
res42: Expr = Or(Not(X),Y)
于 2012-04-14T10:30:43.020 回答


package solve

sealed trait Expr
case class Not(e:Expr) extends Expr
case class And(e1:Expr, e2:Expr) extends Expr
case class Or(e1:Expr, e2:Expr) extends Expr
case class Idn(v:String) extends Expr
object Solve extends App {
  def prep(s:String):List[String] =
    s.replaceAll("[()]+"," ").split(" ").filter(_.size > 0).toList
  def parse(l:List[String]):Expr =
    parseI(l) match {
      case (e,Nil) => e
      case _ => throw new Exception("malformed exception")
  def parseI(l:List[String]):(Expr,List[String]) =
    l match {
      case "not" :: rest =>
        val (e, rem) = parseI(rest)
        (Not(e), rem)
      case "and" :: rest =>
        val (e1, rem) = parseI(rest)
        val (e2, rem2) = parseI(rem)
        (And(e1,e2), rem2)
      case "or" :: rest =>
        val (e1, rem) = parseI(rest)
        val (e2, rem2) = parseI(rem)
        (Or(e1,e2), rem2)
      case i :: rest =>
        (Idn(i), rest)
      case Nil => throw new Exception
  def simplify(e:Expr):Expr = {
    e match {
      case Or(x,Idn("nil")) => simplify(x)
      case Or(Idn("1"),x) => Idn("1")
      case Or(x,y) => Or(simplify(x),simplify(y))
      case x => x


import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import solve._
import Solve._

class SolveTest extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers {
  test ("prepare expression") {
    prep("(and(x x))") should equal (List("and","x","x"))
  test ("parse expressions") {
    parse(prep("(and(x x))")) should equal (And(Idn("x"), Idn("x")))
    parse(prep("(or (and x z) y)")) should equal (Or(And(Idn("x"), Idn("z")), Idn("y")))
    parse(prep("(and (or z (not x))(or e a))")) should equal (And(Or(Idn("z"),Not(Idn("x"))),Or(Idn("e"),Idn("a"))))
  test ("simplification") {
    simplify(parse(prep("(or (and x z) nil)"))) should equal (And(Idn("x"),Idn("z")))
于 2012-04-14T08:51:59.337 回答