我正在根据我在 ajax 调用中获得的 XML 数据制作表格。通话工作正常,我得到了正确的数据。但是,当我创建表时,第一个表中的数据被添加到第二个表中,然后都被添加到第三个表中,依此类推。


    function loadAcct(acctid,acctName){
            //removes the current li elements from our list before making new ones.

            $("#title-name").append(" - "+acctName);

            //ajax call to the server to get the needed information.


                url: "/_admin_/"+ acctid + "-grps.xml",

                contentType: "xml",

                type: "GET",

                async: false,

                success: function(xml){

                    //loop to find the name of the <SavedCart> elements

                    $("#demo").append('<div id="tabs"><ul></ul></div>');



                            groupName = $(this).text();

                            groupNameUp = groupName.toUpperCase(groupName);

                            // We only want to output the groups that have CRIB in the name

                            if(groupNameUp.indexOf("CRIB") != -1){

                                $("ul").append("<li><a href=\"#tabs-" + p + "\">" + groupName + "<\/a><\/li>");



                                        partNums.push( $('PartNumber',this).text())

                                        descs.push( $('Description',this).text())

                                        //cpns.push( $('CustomerPartNumber',this).text())



                                        if(partNums[c] == pn[d]){
                                            cpns1[c] = cpns[d];
                                            mins1[c] = mins[d];
                                            maxs1[c] = maxs[d];
                                            boxqtys1[c] = boxqtys[d];
                                            cpns1[c] = "";
                                            mins1[c] = "";
                                            maxs1[c] = "";
                                            boxqtys1[c] = "";

                                if (partNums.length > 0){

                                    var table = '<div id="tabs-' + p + '" class = remove><form id="orderform' + p + '" name="orderform' + p + '" action="order.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return checkpo(' + acctid + ', ' + p + ')"><table border="1" cellpadding="10" name="mytable' + p + '" id="mytable' + p + '" class="sortable"><thead><tr><th>On Hand<\/th><th>Eclipse ID<\/th><th>Customer Part Number<\/th><th>Description<\/th><th>Minimum<\/th><th>Maximum<\/th><\/th><th>Box Qty<\/th><th>Amount to Order<\/th><th>Select For Order<\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody id="maintablebody" >';


                                        table += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="onhand' + l + '" class="onhand' + l + '" size="5" onchange="autocheckbox(' + l + ')"></td><td>' + partNums[l] + '<\/td><td>' + cpns1[l] + '<\/td><td>' + descs[l] + '<\/td><td class="min' + l + '">' + mins1[l] + '<\/td><td class="max' + l + '">' + maxs1[l] + '<\/td><td class="bxqty' + l + '">' + boxqtys1[l] + '<\/td><td class="tdamt'+ l +'"><input type="text" name="amt[]" id="amt[]" class="amt' + l +'" size="6" onchange="chkfrmamt(' + l + ')" /><\/td><td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" id="check[]" value="' + partNums[l] + '" class="check' + l +'" onClick="autofill(' + l + ')" /><\/td><\/tr>';


                                    table += '<tr><td colspan="8"><label>PO Number:<\/label><input type="text" id="PO" name="PO" class="PO' + p + '" width="20" \/><\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><div id="submit"><input type="submit" id="sub" value="Order" /><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset" /></div><input type="hidden" id="SessID" value="' + sessID + '" name="SessID" \/><input type="hidden" id="eID" value="' + acctid + '" name="eID" \/><\/form><\/div>';



                                    m = p;





                $("table#mytable" + q + " tr:odd").addClass("alt");

            $( "#tabs" ).tabs();


这是所要求的 XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <Description>EGS  BL-50 1/2 STEEL LOCKNUT</Description>
           <Description>EGS  BL75 3/4 STEEL LOCKNUT</Description>

           <Description>IDEA 31-388 CLEARGLIDE QT BOTTLE</Description>
           <Description>SIEM Q120 BREAKER 20A 1P 120V 10K QP</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-AENT ETHERNET ADAPTER W/24V DC POWEL SUPPLY, TWIST PR</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-ASB RIO ADAPTER</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-IA16 85-132V AC INPUT MODULE, 16 POINT</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-IB16 24V DC SINK INPUT MODULE, 16 POINT</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-IB32 24 VDC INPUT MODULE, 32 POINTS</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-IE8 ANALOG INPUT MODULE, 12 BIT, 8 POINT</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-OA16 85-132V AC OUTPUT MODULE, 16 POINT</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-OB16 24V DC SOURCE OUTPUT MODULE, 16 POINT</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-OW8 ISOL RELAY OUT</Description>
           <Description>AB   1794-TB3 3 WIRE BASE</Description>
           <Description>CH   BR120 TYPE BR BREAKER 20A/1 POLE 1</Description>
           <Description>CH   CH120 TYPE CH BREAKER 20A/1 POLE</Description>
           <Description>GEIN THQL1120 1P-20A 120V PLUG-IN CB</Description>
           <Description>MIDW CB120 SP 20A 120/240V CB</Description>
           <Description>SIEM Q120 BREAKER 20A 1P 120V 10K QP</Description>


function clearArr(){
            mins.length = 0;
            maxs.length = 0;
            namearr.length = 0;
            acctidarr.length = 0;
            partNums.length = 0;
            descs.length = 0;
            cpns.length = 0;
            cpns.length = 0;
            data.length = 0;
            mins1.length = 0;
            maxs1.length = 0;
            cpns1.length = 0;
            pns.length = 0;
            pn.length = 0;
            boxqtys.length = 0;
            boxqtys1.length = 0;
            p = 1; 

1 回答 1


在不查看 XML 的情况下,我认为您可能需要为每个新元素重置partNums和?也许如果你发布一些 xml 文件,你做错了什么会更清楚。descsSavedCart


 partNums = []; 
 descs = []; 
于 2012-04-13T18:01:59.380 回答