Need help to display 2 rows as consolidated column
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2 回答 2


如果您只需要 2 个城市,那么使用分析函数可能很简单:

select distinct studentname
     , min(city) over ( partition by studentname ) as city1
     , min(street1) over ( partition by studentname ) as street1
     , case when min(city) over ( partition by studentname ) 
                  <> nvl( max(city) over ( partition by studentname ), 'x')
              then max(city) over ( partition by studentname ) end as city2
     , case when min(street) over ( partition by studentname ) 
                  <> nvl( max(street) over ( partition by studentname ), 'x')
              then max(street) over ( partition by studentname ) end as street2
  from my_table

尽管我必须补充一点,您可能不应该这样做。如果学生有 3 个地址会怎样?

于 2012-04-13T16:15:05.207 回答


您应该为“Ted”返回 2 行并使用您的视图/报告代码操作输出。这会容易得多,并且如果您的要求发生变化,您可以非常快速地更改视图/报告。

于 2012-04-13T14:53:25.453 回答