在 python 中,我需要一个逻辑来处理下面的场景,我对此使用了 split 函数。我有包含输入的字符串,如下所示。

“ID674021384 25/01/1986 heloo hi 感谢 5 分钟和 25-01-1988。”

“ID909900000 25-01-1986 你好 10 分钟。”


“ID674021384 日期你好你好谢谢时间日期。”

“ID909900000 日期你好时间。”

而且我还需要计算每个 ID 的日期和时间,如下所示

ID674021384 日期:2 时间:1

ID909900000 日期:1 时间:1


3 回答 3

>>> import re
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> lines = ["ID674021384 25/01/1986 heloo hi thanks 5 minutes and 25-01-1988.", "ID909900000 25-01-1986 hello 10 minutes."]
>>> pattern = '(?P<date>\d{1,2}[/-]\d{1,2}[/-]\d{4})|(?P<time>\d+ minutes)'
>>> num_occurences = {line:defaultdict(int) for line in lines}
>>> def repl(matchobj):
        num_occurences[matchobj.string][matchobj.lastgroup] += 1
        return matchobj.lastgroup

>>> for line in lines:
        text_id = line.split(' ')[0]
        new_text = re.sub(pattern,repl,line)    
        print new_text
        print '{0} DATE:{1[date]} Time:{1[time]}'.format(text_id, num_occurences[line])
        print ''

ID674021384 date heloo hi thanks time and date.
ID674021384 DATE:2 Time:1

ID909900000 date hello time.
ID909900000 DATE:1 Time:1
于 2012-04-13T14:48:45.270 回答



至于跟踪日期和时间计数,当您的输入不是太大时,使用字典通常是最简单的方法。当您遇到具有特定 ID 的行时,在您的字典中找到与该 ID 对应的条目,如果没有,则添加一个新条目。这个条目本身可以是一个使用日期和时间作为键的字典,其值是每个遇到的计数。


于 2012-04-13T13:44:03.117 回答

You could use a couple of regular expressions:

import re

txt = 'ID674021384 25/01/1986 heloo hi thanks 5 minutes and 25-01-1988.'

retime = re.compile('([0-9]+) *minutes')
redate = re.compile('([0-9]+[/-][0-9]+[/-][0-9]{4})')

# find all dates in 'txt'
dates = redate.findall(txt)
print dates

# find all times in 'txt'
times = retime.findall(txt)
print times

# replace dates and times in orignal string:
newtxt = txt
for adate in dates:
    newtxt = newtxt.replace(adate, 'date')

for atime in times:
    newtxt = newtxt.replace(atime, 'time')

The output looks like this:

Original string:
ID674021384 25/01/1986 heloo hi thanks 5 minutes and 25-01-1988.
Found dates:['25/01/1986', '25-01-1988']
Found times: ['5']

New string:
ID674021384 date heloo hi thanks time minutes and date.

Dates and times found:
ID674021384 DATE:2 TIME:1


于 2012-04-13T14:41:33.463 回答