I use facebook share button for every post in my blog.

When there was no Open Graph meta tag included in my blog, facebook would retrieve the first picture from the post's page to make a preview story on the sharer's wall for this post.

Once, I added an Open Graph image meta tag to my blog:

<meta expr:content='data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl' property='og:image'/>

However, the size of postImageThumbnails turned out to be too small, so I decided not to use them anymore and removed the above metnioned Open Graph meta tag from my blog.

The problem is:

Even though I removed all Open Graph meta tags from my blog, facebook still somehow creates preview stories for my posts based on those tiny data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl and doesn't want anymore to retrieve the first pictures from posts content as it was before I made any changes in my blog.


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尝试使用 facebook调试器工具,它也会删除缓存。

于 2012-06-24T18:34:58.203 回答