我在设置 pylint 的地方使用 pydev。问题是即使在评论中,pylint 也会报告警告。我正在寻找禁用任何行或块注释内的任何类型的检查。另外,我希望在我的代码中遵循 camelCase 命名约定而不是下划线来表示变量和参数。有没有办法在不使用任何 pylint 插入我的代码的情况下指定这样的规则:禁用评论?
6 回答
pylint --disable=W1234
或者使用特殊的 PyLint 配置文件
pylint --rcfile=/path/to/config.file
# C0111 Missing docstring
# I0011 Warning locally suppressed using disable-msg
# I0012 Warning locally suppressed using disable-msg
# W0704 Except doesn't do anything Used when an except clause does nothing but "pass" and there is no "else" clause
# W0142 Used * or * magic* Used when a function or method is called using *args or **kwargs to dispatch arguments.
# W0212 Access to a protected member %s of a client class
# W0232 Class has no __init__ method Used when a class has no __init__ method, neither its parent classes.
# W0613 Unused argument %r Used when a function or method argument is not used.
# W0702 No exception's type specified Used when an except clause doesn't specify exceptions type to catch.
# R0201 Method could be a function
# W0614 Unused import XYZ from wildcard import
# R0914 Too many local variables
# R0912 Too many branches
# R0915 Too many statements
# R0913 Too many arguments
# R0904 Too many public methods
请参阅Pylint 专用站点上的文档。
正如 cfedermann 所说,您可以在文件中指定要禁用的消息(请注意,如果您不想使用内联注释,~/.pylintrc
可以使用生成存根文件。pylint --generate-rcfile
您还将在生成的文件中的 [BASIC] 部分中看到“method-rgx”、“function-rgx”等选项,您可以根据需要配置它们以支持驼峰式大小写样式而不是 pep8 下划线样式.
class TestChecker(BaseChecker):
find the check type in the following url:
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
name = 'test-checker'
priority = -1
msgs = {
'W0001': (
'You should not import "%s"',
'Should not import datetime'
def __init__(self, linter):
# I use original pylint's ImportsChecker as a property
# from import **
self.forbidden_import = ['datetime.datetime.now']
self.forbidden_import_from = ['datetime.now', 'now']
self.forbidden_import_attribute = ['datetime.now', 'now', 'datetime.datetime.now']
#the function will be rewrited
def visit_importfrom(self, node):
names = [name for name, _alias in node.names]
for item in names:
for check in self.forbidden_import_from:
if item == check:
self.add_message('W0001', node=node, args=item)
def visit_import(self, node):
names = [name for name, _ in node.names]
for item in names:
for check in self.forbidden_import:
if check == item:
self.add_message('W0001', node=node, args=item)
def visit_attribute(self, node):
for check_attr in self.forbidden_import_attribute:
if check_attr == node.as_string():
self.add_message('W0001', node=node, args=check_attr)
def register(linter):
- 调用 pylint 生成模板配置文件
- 然后你根据你的需要/想要定制配置文件
- 然后将配置文件放在默认的 pylint 配置文件位置,或者始终调用 pylint 并指定配置文件路径
第二种方法是创建一个调用 pylint 的包装器脚本,在包装器脚本中你有一堆看起来像这样的行:
pylint \
${options_here} \
--disable=xyz1 \
--disable=xyz_2 \
${more_options} \
--disable=xyz_N \
--disable=abc \
目前我正在使用包装脚本方法,因为我希望按行号对问题进行排序,并且我做了一些 shell 脚本来获得排序顺序。
除了 pradyunsg 的上述回答之外,这里是 CamelCase 的另一个正则表达式:
(取自 PyLint 的spelling.py
检查器,位于:%APPDATA% - Local - Programs - Python - [PythonVersion] - Lib - site-packages - pylint - checkers