
    var element =  document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);
    var target = $(e.target);
    if (target.is("div")) {
        element.style.border = "1px solid blue";
        currentElt = target;
    element.onmouseout = function(){
        this.style.border = "0px";

但是会发生什么,由于边界附近的 DOM 元素位置受到干扰。所以,我在想的是围绕该元素创建一个透明的 DIV,并在鼠标移出时删除该透明的 div。

请帮我解决这个想法。我无法弄清楚。这该怎么做 ?


7 回答 7


正如其他答案所建议的那样,您可以使用 CSS 来做到这一点。

但是会发生什么,由于边框,接近 DOM 元素的位置会受到干扰。所以,我在想的是围绕该元素创建一个透明的 DIV。和鼠标。删除那个。


div:hover {
    outline: 1px solid blue;



于 2012-04-13T09:16:34.950 回答

这不是 JavaScript/jQuery 问题!改用 CSS!

div:hover {
    border: 1px solid blue;


div {
    border: 1px solid transparent;
于 2012-04-13T09:13:47.670 回答

只需为此使用 CSS,例如:

div { background: red; border: 1px solid transparent; }
div:hover { border: 1px solid green; }

演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/KQzRh/


请注意,@thirtydot 的回答将是首选方式,但 IE7 不支持它(我认为 IE6 不支持)。再说一遍:是否支持 IE7 取决于您。


div:hover { outline: 1px solid green; }
于 2012-04-13T09:14:01.517 回答


.element { border: 1px solid transparent; }
.element:hover { border: 1px solid #000; }
于 2012-04-13T09:16:47.557 回答

如果您真的想使用 JS / jQuery,您应该将mouseover(即悬停)处理程序绑定到 div 而不是正文(为您节省痛苦的上下文设置)。像:

   $(this).css('border','1px solid blue');
   $(this).css('border','1px solid transparent');


但话又说回来,这也可以用纯 CSS 来完成(更好更简单):

border: 1px solid blue;


如果使用border使您的布局跳跃(因为边框会增加元素的尺寸),您可以outline改用(从@thirtydot 的答案中无耻地窃取)。

于 2012-04-13T09:18:13.923 回答


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">     
    <title>Horton Computer Solutions Home</title>

  <style type="text/css">
      color: orange;
      border:2px solid #3300FF;
  <div class="some_class" style="width:290px;"> some text here <br/></div>
于 2012-04-13T09:26:20.417 回答

我认为box-sizing: border-radius应该在这里提到,即使这是一个相当古老的问题。

如果您添加了使用过的 CSS 并应用于box-sizing: border-box元素,附近的 DOM 元素位置受到干扰不会受到干扰。为什么?因为box-sizing: border-box包括边框和填充作为宽度的一部分。

section {  overflow: hidden;  }
div {width: 33.333%; float: left;}

.b-r div {
  box-sizing: border-box;

div:hover {
  border: 10px blue solid;
<section class="b-r">
  <strong>These divs have border-radius.</strong><br>
  <div>Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.</div>
  <div>Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.</div>
  <div>Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.</div>

<section class="nob-r">
  <strong>These divs do not have border-radius.</strong><br>
  <div>Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.</div>
  <div>Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.</div>
  <div>Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.</div>

您也可以box-sizing: border-radius在您的示例中使用,一切都已修复!

$("body").mouseover(function(e) {
  var element = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
  var target = $(e.target);
  if (target.is("div")) {
    element.style.border = "1px solid blue";
    currentElt = target;
  element.onmouseout = function() {
    this.style.border = "0px";
section {
  overflow: hidden; /* Prevent Clearfix */

div {
  width: 33.333%;
  float: left;

.b-r div {
  box-sizing: border-box;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<section class="b-r">
  <strong>These divs have border-radius.</strong><br>
    Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.

    Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.

    Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.

<section class="nob-r">
  <strong>These divs do not have border-radius.</strong><br>
    Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.

    Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.

    Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text. Some Text, and more text, and more text, and even more text.

于 2017-04-26T22:46:51.463 回答