我认为这对使用原生 php 函数来说是一件简单的事情,但我发现了人们试图实现它的一些不同的、非常复杂的方法。检查字符串是否包含数组中的一个或多个元素的最有效方法是什么?即,下面 - 其中 $data['description'] 是一个字符串。Obv 下面的 in_array 检查中断,因为它期望参数 2 是一个数组

$keywords = array(

    if (!in_array($keywords, $data['description']))

3 回答 3


假设 String 是一个折叠/分隔的值列表

function arrayInString( $inArray , $inString , $inDelim=',' ){
  $inStringAsArray = explode( $inDelim , $inString );
  return ( count( array_intersect( $inArray , $inStringAsArray ) )>0 );

示例 1:

arrayInString( array( 'red' , 'blue' ) , 'red,white,orange' , ',' );
// Would return true
// When 'red,white,orange' are split by ',',
// the 'red' element matched the array

示例 2:

arrayInString( array( 'mouse' , 'cat' ) , 'mouse' );
// Would return true
// When 'mouse' is split by ',' (the default deliminator),
// the 'mouse' element matches the array which contains only 'mouse'

假设 String 是纯文本,并且您只是在其中查找指定单词的实例

function arrayInString( $inArray , $inString ){
  if( is_array( $inArray ) ){
    foreach( $inArray as $e ){
      if( strpos( $inString , $e )!==false )
        return true;
    return false;
    return ( strpos( $inString , $inArray )!==false );

示例 1:

arrayInString( array( 'apple' , 'banana' ) , 'I ate an apple' );
// Would return true
// As 'I ate an apple' contains 'apple'

示例 2:

arrayInString( array( 'car' , 'bus' ) , 'I was busy' );
// Would return true
// As 'bus' is present in the string, even though it is part of 'busy'
于 2012-04-13T08:42:11.337 回答

您可以使用正则表达式执行此操作 -

if( !preg_match( '/(\b' . implode( '\b|\b', $keywords ) . '\b)/i', $data['description'] )) continue;


于 2012-04-13T08:41:10.383 回答


此函数将从字符串中的短语数组中查找(不区分大小写)短语。如果找到,则重新使用该短语并且 $position 返回其在字符串中的索引。如果未找到,则返回 FALSE。

function findStringFromArray($phrases, $string, &$position) {
    // Reverse sort phrases according to length.
    // This ensures that 'taxi' isn't found when 'taxi cab' exists in the string.
    usort($phrases, create_function('$a,$b',
                                     return $diff<0?-1:($diff>0?1:0);'));

    // Pad-out the string and convert it to lower-case
    $string = ' '.strtolower($string).' ';

    // Find the phrase
    foreach ($phrases as $key => $value) {
        if (($position = strpos($string, ' '.strtolower($value).' ')) !== FALSE) {
            return $phrases[$key];

    // Not found
    return FALSE;


$wordsAndPhrases = array('taxi', 'bus', 'taxi cab', 'truck', 'coach');
$srch = "The taxi cab was waiting";

if (($found = findStringFromArray($wordsAndPhrases, $srch, $pos)) !== FALSE) {
    echo "'$found' was found in '$srch' at string position $pos.";
else {
    echo "None of the search phrases were found in '$srch'.";


$pos = strpos(" $haystack ", " $needle ")
于 2013-07-21T07:26:28.120 回答