declare @tApplyProgram table (myID varchar(50), programID varchar(10), stTR char(1) null)
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('1925','184');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('4474','172');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('8890','172');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('5578','172');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('2980','172');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('2500','172');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('1925','180');
insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('5578','180');
@tApplyProgram keep applicant and their programID
myID and programID is unique
declare @tResult table (myID varchar(50), subjectCd varchar(50))
insert into @tResult values('1925','01')
insert into @tResult values('1925','02')
insert into @tResult values('1925','03')
insert into @tResult values('4474','03')
insert into @tResult values('4474','04')
insert into @tResult values('4474','05')
insert into @tResult values('5578','01')
insert into @tResult values('5578','02')
insert into @tResult values('5578','03')
insert into @tResult values('2980','01')
insert into @tResult values('2980','02')
@tResult keep their applicant's result
myID and subjectCd is unique
declare @tRulesD table (programID varchar(50), subjectCd varchar(50))
insert into @tRulesD values('172','05')
insert into @tRulesD values('172','02')
insert into @tRulesD values('172','15')
insert into @tRulesD values('184','01')
insert into @tRulesD values('184','02')
insert into @tRulesD values('184','03')
@tRulesD keep programID rules and regulation
programID and subjectCd is unique
如果应用程序 ID (@tApplyProgram) 以满足要求 (@tRulesD),则设置 stTR=1。如果不满足要求,设置stTR=0。否则将其保留为 NULL
myID | programID | stTR
1925 184 1 /*1925 have rows in @tResult, and 184 have rows in @tRulesD. And, it's meet the requirements */
4474 172 0 /*4474 have rows in @tResult, and 172 have rows in @tRulesD. But, it's not meet the requirements */
8890 172 NULL /*8890 don't have rows in @tResult*/
5578 172 0 /*5578 have rows in @tResult, and 172 have rows in @tRulesD. But, it's not meet the requirement*/
2980 184 0 /*2980 have rows in @tResult, and 184 have rows in @tRulesD. But. it's not meet the requirement*/
2500 172 NULL /*2500 don't have rows in @tResult*/
1925 180 NULL /*180 don't have rows in @tRulesD*/
5578 180 NULL /*180 don't have rows in @tRulesD*/
确实需要帮助来构建 T-SQL。我被困住了