public abstract class Child : IRenderable {}
public interface IParent<T> where T : Child
IEnumerable<T> Children { get; }
复杂之处在于我没有可以使用的 IParent 列表,相反,我有一堆 IRenderables。图书馆的用户应该写这样的东西:
public class Car : IRenderable { }
public class Cow : IRenderable, IParent<Calf> { }
public class Calf : Child { }
// note this is just an example to get the idea
public static class App
public static void main()
MyLibraryNameSpace.App app = new MyLibraryNameSpace.App();
app.AddRenderable(new Car()); // app holds a list of IRenderables
app.AddRenderable(new Cow());
app.Draw(); // app draws the IRenderables
在 Draw() 中,库应该强制转换并检查 IRenderable 是否也是 IParent。但是,由于我不了解小牛,所以我不知道将牛投进什么。
// In Draw()
foreach(var renderable in Renderables)
if((parent = renderable as IParent<???>) != null) // what to do?
foreach(var child in parent.Children)
// do something to child here.