first question from newbie. Haven't needed to post a question for months now -- so many great answers already posted. I am stuck on this one, though.

Developing on a Mac, Python 2.7, Django with the django-nonrel project, GAE datastore. Up to and including GAE SDK 1.6.3, all goodness. After upgrading to GAE SDK 1.6.4, noticed 3 strange things:

  1. Dev server (python manage.py runserver) fails immediately with "Error: No module named webob." No other errors or output. I rooted around under /usr/local/google_appengine/lib/... and, indeed, no module named webob. There are two close matches -- webob_0_9 and webob_1_1_1. I made a symlink webob -> webob_1_1_1 to get past the error.

  2. Startup messages from the dev server include an INFO: message that the SDK version is later than the advertised version. Google has 1.6.4 on their download site, so not seeing how my 1.6.4 is later than the latest.

  3. Django's syncdb command (python manage.py syncdb) will no longer create the .gaedata/datastore file. It says it's creating tables, it prompts me for the superuser creds, it even says it installed a bunch of objects from my fixture file. It gives no errors, but when it completes, it has done none of these things -- the .gaedata/datastore file doesn't even exist.

Prior to 1.6.4, syncdb worked great, including loading fixture data. I tried starting a fresh project with only bare bones files in it and a simple model (one class having one field) to see if some complexity I had introduced might be the cause of the problem. Even in simple-land, syncdb wouldn't create the datastore.

My only solution was to fall back to GAE SDK 1.6.3 -- everything works once again. Anyone else seeing similar symptoms with SDK 1.6.4? Are there obvious diagnostic steps I should be taking?


1 回答 1

  1. 在最新的 django-nonrel 中修复。要么同步到最新代码,要么手动集成这个拉取请求: https ://github.com/django-nonrel/djangoappengine/pull/24

  2. 没见过这个问题,不知道。

  3. 有一种解决方法,但它尚未合并到主分支中,您必须手动集成更改。 https://github.com/django-nonrel/djangoappengine/pull/25

于 2012-04-12T20:15:19.950 回答