我有一个非常简单的 Sqlite 模式,用于按用户操作记录每日计数以及按天和操作记录的各种用户操作延迟百分位数:
create table user_actions (
id integer primary key,
name text not null
create table action_date_count (
action_id integer not null
references user_actions(id) on delete restrict on update restrict,
date integer not null,
count integer not null,
unique (action_id, date) on conflict fail
create table latency_percentiles (
action_id integer not null
references user_actions(id) on delete restrict on update restrict,
date integer not null,
percentile integer not null,
value real not null,
unique (action_id, date, percentile) on conflict fail
在这里,所有日期都存储为每天午夜的 Unix 时间戳(如果有帮助,我可以更改它)。
现在这是我正在努力解决的一个查询:显示上周按平均音量降序排列的操作,包括 50%、90%、95% 级别的平均延迟百分位数。我想出了一个巨大的查询,解释计划说需要 17 个步骤,而且速度很慢。有人可以改进吗?
select ua.id, ua.name, ac.avg_count, al50.avg_lat_50, al90.avg_lat_90, al95.avg_lat_95
user_actions as ua,
select adc.action_id as action_id, avg(adc.count) as avg_count
action_date_count as adc,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(adc.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as ac,
select lp.action_id as action_id, avg(lp.value) as avg_lat_50
latency_percentiles as lp,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
lp.percentile = 50 and
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(lp.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as al50,
select lp.action_id as action_id, avg(lp.value) as avg_lat_90
latency_percentiles as lp,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
lp.percentile = 90 and
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(lp.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as al90,
select lp.action_id as action_id, avg(lp.value) as avg_lat_95
latency_percentiles as lp,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
lp.percentile = 95 and
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(lp.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as al95
where ua.id = ac.action_id and ua.id = al50.action_id and ua.id = al90.action_id and ua.id = al95.action_id
order by ac.avg_count desc;