我有一个包含 81 个顶点的漂亮图(一个列表)(每个顶点都是 Vertex 类的一个实例)。每个顶点有 20 个邻居。每个顶点都有许多可能的值(范围从 1 到 9),给定问题的一些初始约束,平均为 4 或 5。我在此图上实现了一个简单的 DFS,它采用可能值较少的节点, foreach 值构建另一个只有一个可能值的“深度复制”图,最后递归地将“深度复制”图再次传递到 DFS。问题在于速度;cProfiling 我的代码我发现我的 Mac 用来解决这个问题的 641 秒中有 635 秒被 copy.deepcopy 使用。有没有解决这个问题的方法?这是我的 DFS:
def dfs(graph):
global initial_time_counter
if all(len(i.possible_values)==1 for i in graph):
sys.exit("Done in: %s" % (time.time()-initial_time_counter))
#find out the non-solved vertex with minimum possible values
min_vertex=sorted(filter(lambda x: len(x.possible_values)>1,graph),
key=lambda x: len(x.possible_values))[0]
for value in min_vertex.possible_values:
sorted_graph_copy=sorted(copy.deepcopy(graph), key=lambda x: len(x.possible_values))
min_vertex_copy=filter(lambda x: len(x.possible_values)>1,sorted_graph_copy)[0]
if min_vertex_copy.try_value(value): #Can this vertex accept value -> value?
min_vertex_copy.set_value(value) #Yes, set it.
sorted_graph_copy.append(min_vertex_copy) #Append it to the graph.
dfs(sorted_graph_copy) #Run the DFS again.
return False
同样的问题,用顶点的纯字符串表示来解决,需要 < 0.75 秒才能解决。如果将来有人遇到类似问题,我将发布整个代码以供参考:
import sys,time
def srange():
return [[x,y] for x in range(9) for y in range(9)]
def represent_sudoku(sudoku):
print "\n".join(["|".join([str(elem) for elem in line]) for line in sudoku])
#Hard sudoku
sudoku=[[4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 5], [0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 3, 0, 7, 0], [5, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
def get_nbs(x,y,sudoku,also_incomplete=False):
line_nbs=sum([elem for elem in sudoku[y] if ((elem!=[0] and len(elem)==1) or also_incomplete)],[])
column_nbs=sum([sudoku[xline][x] for xline in range(9) if ((sudoku[xline][x]!=[0] and len(sudoku[xline][x])==1) or also_incomplete)],[])
area_nbs=[[j for j in i[(x/3)*3:(x/3)*3+3] if ((j!=[0] and len(j)==1) or also_incomplete)] for i in sudoku[(y/3)*3:(y/3)*3+3]]
if not also_incomplete:
return list(set(line_nbs+column_nbs+area_nbs))
return line_nbs+column_nbs+area_nbs
for x,y in srange():
def base_cleanup(sudoku):
while 1:
for x,y in srange():
if sudoku[y][x]==[0] or len(sudoku[y][x])>1:
possible_values=range(1,10) if sudoku[y][x]==[0] else sudoku[y][x]
if sudoku[y][x]==[]:
return False
something_changed=True if possible_values!=sudoku[y][x] else False
if not something_changed:
return sudoku
def dfs(graph):
global s
if graph==False:
return False
if all(sum([[len(elem)==1 for elem in line] for line in graph],[])):
sys.exit("Done in: %s" % (time.time()-s))
enumerated_filtered_sudoku=filter(lambda x: len(x[1])>1, enumerate(sum(graph,[])))
sorted_enumerated_sudoku=sorted(enumerated_filtered_sudoku,key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
possible_values=[value for value in min_vertex[1]]
for value in possible_values:
graph_copy=[[elem for elem in line] for line in graph]
if not any(value==i for i in get_nbs(x,y,graph_copy)):
if base_cleanup(graph_copy)!=False:
if graph_copy:
return False
sudoku = base_cleanup(sudoku)
elements_position = {i:srange()[i] for i in range(81)}
s = time.time()