当我将代码拆分为 TDataModule(=访问数据)和 TFom(=显示数据)时,我应该将 TDataSource 组件放在哪里?它属于 TDataModule 还是 TForm?

当创建多个实例时,如何处理 TDataModule 和 TForm 之间的连接?


2 回答 2



此外,您可以Datasouces在需要时在表单中按需创建,然后在运行时绑定到数据集。在这种情况下,很容易处理 TDataModule 和 TForm 之间的连接。

但这只是的观点:我永远不会使用DBControlsnor DataSouces。我更喜欢手动绑定我的数据,并且比使用DBControlsDataSouces坚持使用 Borland 创建的一些奇怪的机制具有更大的灵活性。但这只是 MHO。

于 2012-04-12T13:12:13.003 回答

It is recomended to put your TDatasource components in the Form, but only if the data linked to them is only used by the parent form or any child of it.

Also is recommended to put your TDatasource components on a global TDatamodule when they are linked to global accesible data or list data, like a list of client, countries, etc. Data that may be used in more than one form in your application.

For example, if you have a TDBLookupCombo, the TDatasource assigned to ListSource property, is a good candidate to be on a TDatamodule.

于 2012-04-12T15:41:59.657 回答