I'm a php dev, and i want to port my web application first on the iPhone.

The application is like a job board. The simple mobile app will have to (with my web-app API) :

  • Auth users
  • Browse job offers through categories
  • Filter/Search job categories
  • Send / Read private messages

I never used Java / Objective-C that's why i want to know if you can recommand me a framework (or not) that could do the trick without the need for me to learn 3 months before starting to code the application.

Which direction should I take ?



1 回答 1


大概你想要一个原生应用程序,这样你就可以部署到 AppStore 并赚取一些现金?;)

您可以创建 HTML 应用程序并将它们本地包装,这样您就可以利用您现有的技能。有多种方法可以做到这一点,甚至还有一些工具可以帮助您使用本机包装器。但是对于初学者来说,看看PhoneGap:


于 2012-04-12T09:40:32.090 回答