当我从 web 服务检索数据时,我可以通过使用函数将数组打印到范围来获得极快的速度,但我还不知道如何替换查找/剪切/粘贴逻辑。
范围看起来像这样(Col BE 中的数据不相关,A 包含密钥)。Day0_lbUsers 是 A1:E5,Day1_lbUsers 是 A28:E30。
1 15 Foo Bar Bas Nono
2 18 Foo Bar Bas Nono
3 19 Foo Bar Bas Nono
4 196 Foo Bar Bas Nono
5 33 Foo Bar Bas Nono
28 32 Foo Bar Bas Nono
29 46 Foo Bar Bas Nono
30 52 Foo Bar Bas Nono
在此示例中,我想将键为 18 的行从 Day0_lbUsers 移动到 Day1_lbUsers。在示例中,我对源代码进行了硬编码,并且没有写回范围,但这不是难点。我很感兴趣是否有更好的方法来传输数组内容。
Sub TestRemoveFromArray()
Dim vSourceArray() As Variant ' source
Dim vNewSourceArray() As Variant ' source, one key removed
Dim vTargetArray() As Variant ' target
Dim vNewTargetArray() As Variant ' target, one item added
Dim rowSearch As Long, row As Long, col As Long, search As Long, blnFound As Boolean
search = 18
vSourceArray = shData.Names("Day0_lbUsers").RefersToRange.Value2 ' 27 rows, 5 columns, key in col 1
' loop source to find the row that contains the search key
For rowSearch = LBound(vSourceArray) To UBound(vSourceArray)
' look into col 1 for the key
If vSourceArray(rowSearch, 1) = search Then
blnFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next rowSearch
If Not blnFound Then
Exit Sub
End If
' we've found the row, so let's get the target
vTargetArray = shData.Names("Day1_lbUsers").RefersToRange.Value2
' a1 needs to be 1 short of a, b1 must be b +1
ReDim vNewSourceArray(LBound(vSourceArray) To UBound(vSourceArray) - 1, 1 To 5)
ReDim vNewTargetArray(LBound(vTargetArray) To UBound(vTargetArray) + 1, 1 To 5)
' copy original target to new target
For row = LBound(vTargetArray) To UBound(vTargetArray)
For col = LBound(vTargetArray, 2) To UBound(vTargetArray, 2)
vNewTargetArray(row, col) = vTargetArray(row, col)
Next col
Next row
' reset blnFound
blnFound = False
For row = LBound(vSourceArray) To UBound(vSourceArray)
If row = rowSearch Then
For col = LBound(vSourceArray, 2) To UBound(vSourceArray, 2)
vNewTargetArray(UBound(vNewTargetArray), col) = vSourceArray(row, col)
Next col
blnFound = True
For col = LBound(vSourceArray, 2) To UBound(vSourceArray, 2)
' if blnFound was found before, write to the key -1
vNewSourceArray(IIf(blnFound, row - 1, row), col) = vSourceArray(row, col)
Next col
End If
Next row
'assign new arrays (return later)
vSourceArray = vNewSourceArray
Erase vNewSourceArray
vTargetArray = vNewTargetArray
Erase vNewTargetArray
End Sub
所有数据范围都具有相同的列数 (5) 并被命名。这就是我到目前为止所拥有的;在某些时候,我不得不停止编程并改用伪代码来说明。源和目标数组是用例如创建的
vSourceArray = shData.Names("Day0_A").RefersToRange.Value2 ' (1 to 27, 1 to 5)
Private Function MoveUserId(ByRef vSourceArray() As Variant, ByRef vTargetArray() As Variant, lngUserId As Long) As Boolean
Dim lSearchKey As Long, blnFound As Boolean, col As Long
Dim vTempArray() As Variant, vRow() As Variant
For lSearchKey = LBound(vSourceArray) To UBound(vSourceArray)
If vSourceArray(lSearchKey, 1) = lngUserId Then
blnFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next lSearchKey
If blnFound = False Then
MoveUserId = False
Exit Function
End If
' extract the row found
ReDim vRow(1 To 1) As Variant
vRow(1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.index(vSourceArray, lSearchKey)
' now, add an item to targetarray and populate using a function from http://www.cpearson.com
vTargetArray = CombineTwoDArrays(vTargetArray, vRow) ' does not work
' now delete the key in source array
' help!
End Function
除了搜索功能之外,这实际上不起作用。首先是提取一行并将其复制到一个新的、重新调整尺寸的目标数组中。最简单的方法是将目标重新调整为元素 + 1;然后执行类似(伪代码)的操作,将其推到最后:
vTargetArray(addedIndex) = vSourceArray(searchIndex)