I'm a fresher in Android(also Java and NetBeans) dev. :)
I've imported ksoap2 to handle WebServices staffs, it's fine when building the project, but failed to run in AVD, below is the exceptions segments:
E/dalvikvm( 353): Could not find class 'org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject', referenced from method com.iBest.Mobile.Login.authUser W/dalvikvm( 353): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 88 (Lorg/ksoap2/serialization/SoapObject;) in Lcom/iBest/Mobile/Login; W/dalvikvm( 353): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015560) E/AndroidRuntime( 353): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime( 353): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject E/AndroidRuntime( 353): at com.iBest.Mobile.Login.authUser(Login.java:58) E/AndroidRuntime( 353): at com.iBest.Mobile.Login$1.onClick(Login.java:47)
I've put the jar(ksoap2-android-assembly-2.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar)
in folder libs
What else needed I do? thanks.