I'd like some suggestions on how to best handle this. I've got a table with about 2500 records (not many I know and only growing at about 500 per year). It has 3 text fields I currently use fulltext search on. The minimum character limit is causing problems though.

Would yall suggest just reducing the minimum character limit to accept 3 character words (which is most of the problem) and continue using fulltext searching or should I look into other options like Sphinx or Lucene? Basically I'm unfamiliar with sphinx/lucene/etc and don't know if they would offer me any big advantages on searching with the type and amount of data I'm searching through.



2 回答 2


目前,我建议您降低最小字符数限制。但是,您应该开始研究 Lucene/SOLR,因为它们提供了更多好处,例如分面结果和空间搜索(从 3.5+ 开始),但是加速时间可能会很痛苦。如果您现在开始研究和练习 SOLR,那么当需要它的新功能请求出现时,您将准备好进行转换。

于 2012-04-12T03:53:59.060 回答

我建议您看一下基于 lucene 的搜索引擎OpenSearchServer 。正如您所描述的,您的数据在 MYSQL 中,OpenSearchServer 具有一个功能,您可以直接从 MYSQL 和 POSTGRESQL 数据库导入数据。请查看文档以将值从 MYSQL 导入到 OpenSearchServer 索引。http://www.open-search-server.com/documentation/index.php/User_guide__-_Database

于 2012-04-16T14:37:55.400 回答