I'm wondering if it's possible to write a zsh script that will write a command to the prompt but NOT execute it, i.e. leave it there for me to edit and then execute when I'm ready. I can do something like this with keybindings by leaving off the final '\C-m'. eg:
bindkey -s "\e[1;3C" "howdy!"
... I press Alt+RightArrow and the text "howdy!" is printed at the prompt and just left there.
I can also do something like what I want by writing my command to the history file and then recalling it with the up arrow. I've tried 'echo -n sometext' but it doesn't work.
Can I write a script that would exit leaving (say) " howdy! " on the command line? In actual fact I want the script to build up a complex command based on several things, but I want the script to leave it on the CLI for final editing, so automatic execution must be prevented.
Thanks in advance.