我正在编写一个井字游戏程序,并且我已经设置了棋盘,并且该游戏适用于大多数人。决定谁赢。我现在要做的是在确定获胜者后,会弹出一个消息框并显示谁获胜。我希望消息框包含两个按钮。一个带有文字“Ok for new game”的按钮和带有文字“Cancel to exit”的第二个按钮。我正在使用 Visual Basic 2010 Express。
Public Class Form1
Private turn As Integer = 1
Private play() As String = {"O", "X"}
Private board(2, 2) As String
Private Structure arrayIndex
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
End Structure
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For x As Integer = 1 To 9
Dim b As New Button With { _
.Width = 80, _
.Height = 80, _
.Text = "", _
.Location = New Point(60 + (((x - 1) Mod 3) * 80), 60 + (((x - 1) \ 3) * 80)), _
.Tag = New arrayIndex With {.x = (x - 1) Mod 3, .y = (x - 1) \ 3}}
AddHandler b.Click, AddressOf buttons_click
Me.SetClientSizeCore(360, 360)
End Sub
Private Sub buttons_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If DirectCast(sender, Button).Text <> "" Then Return
DirectCast(sender, Button).Text = play(turn Mod 2)
Dim index As arrayIndex = DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, Button).Tag, arrayIndex)
board(index.x, index.y) = play(turn Mod 2)
turn += 1
End Sub
Private Sub winner()
Dim rows(7) As String
rows(0) = board(0, 0) & board(1, 0) & board(2, 0)
rows(1) = board(0, 1) & board(1, 1) & board(2, 1)
rows(2) = board(0, 2) & board(1, 2) & board(2, 2)
rows(3) = board(0, 0) & board(0, 1) & board(0, 2)
rows(4) = board(1, 0) & board(1, 1) & board(1, 2)
rows(5) = board(2, 0) & board(2, 1) & board(2, 2)
rows(6) = board(0, 0) & board(1, 1) & board(2, 2)
rows(7) = board(2, 0) & board(1, 1) & board(0, 2)
For x As Integer = 0 To 7
If rows(x).Length = 3 AndAlso (rows(x)(0) = rows(x)(1) AndAlso rows(x)(0) = rows(x)(2)) Then
MessageBox.Show(rows(x)(0) & "'s winsssss!", "We have a winner!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
If DialogResult.OK Then
turn = 1
ReDim board(2, 2)
For Each ctrl As Control In Controls
ctrl.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
End Class