EDIT : I edited my post at the end to give the regex I used
Having sonar to monitor quality of a code is great, but on the downside, with crappy project, you have to correct a lot. My problem is that I need to correct about 500 "Equals avoid Null" violations from checkstyle ( com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.coding.EqualsAvoidNullCheck ). With one regex to correct it semi automatically would be great.
The goal of this violation is to change
myObject.getMyMember().toString().equals("one string")
"one string".equals(myObject.getMyMember().toString())
EDIT : I used this way and it worked well even if I need to check it and not launch a sed on my entire source tree
The regex to match the total line
([\(|& \t!])([^\(|& \t!])([a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]\(\)\.]*)\.(equals|equalsIgnoreCase)\(("[^"]*")\)
The regex to replace the line for
It took me a day to correct the 500 violations. Still a lot of work, but it would have been more painful if I had to do it by hand.