

public class Complex {
    private double real;
    private double imaginary;

    public Complex()
        this( 0.0, 0.0 );

    public Complex( double r, double i )
        real = r;
        imaginary = i;

二等舱;使用公共静态方法进行加法和减法,从第一类中调用实数和虚数。我发现这部分更具挑战性,因为我没有 100% 掌握这一点。

Public class ComplexArith
public static ComplexAdd(Complex one, Complex two)
return Complex(one.getReal() + two.getReal(), one.getImaginary() + two.getImaginary());

public static ComplexSub(Complex one, Complex two)
return Complex(one.getReal() - two.getReal(), one.getImaginary - two.getImaginary());

第三部分是要求用户输入,并对复数集进行加减运算。我对此并不熟悉,因为我从来不需要以 (0.0,0.0) 格式要求用户输入。





public class ComplexArith{
public static Complex add(Complex one, Complex two)
return Complex(one.getReal() + two.getReal(), one.getImaginary() + two.getImaginary());
public static Complex sub(Complex one, Complex two)
return Complex(one.getReal() - two.getReal(), one.getImaginary - two.getImaginary());

我知道需要定义一和二,但我不明白如何定义它们。我会将它们定义为什么?我以为它是从 double r, double i 的 Complex 类中调用的。


public class Complex
private double real;
private double imaginary;

public Complex()
    this( 0.0, 0.0 );

public Complex( double r, double i )
    real = r;
    imaginary = i;

public double getReal() {
  return this.real;

public double getImaginary() {
  return this.imaginary;

8 回答 8



package name.puzio.math;

public final class ComplexNumber {
private final double imaginary;
private final double real;

public final boolean equals(Object object) {
    if (!(object instanceof ComplexNumber))
        return false;
    ComplexNumber a = (ComplexNumber) object;
    return (real == a.real) && (imaginary == a.imaginary);

public ComplexNumber(double real, double imaginary) {
    this.imaginary = imaginary;
    this.real = real;

public static final ComplexNumber createPolar(double amount, double angel) {
    return new ComplexNumber(amount * Math.cos(angel), amount * Math.sin(angel));

public final double getImaginary() {
    return imaginary;

public final double getReal() {
    return real;

public final double getAmount() {
    return Math.sqrt((real * real) + (imaginary * imaginary));

public final double getAngle() {
    return Math.atan2(imaginary, real);

public final ComplexNumber add(ComplexNumber b) {
    return add(this, b);

public final ComplexNumber sub(ComplexNumber b) {
    return sub(this, b);

public final ComplexNumber div(ComplexNumber b) {
    return div(this, b);

public final ComplexNumber mul(ComplexNumber b) {
    return mul(this, b);

public final ComplexNumber conjugation() {
    return conjugation(this);

 * Addition:
 * @param a
 * @param b
 * @return
private final static ComplexNumber add(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b) {
    return new ComplexNumber(a.real + b.real, a.imaginary + b.imaginary);

 * Subtraktion:
 * @param a
 * @param b
 * @return
private final static ComplexNumber sub(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b) {
    return new ComplexNumber(a.real - b.real, a.imaginary - b.imaginary);

 * Multiplikation:
 * @param a
 * @param b
 * @return
private final static ComplexNumber mul(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b) {
    return new ComplexNumber((a.real * b.real) - (a.imaginary * b.imaginary), (a.imaginary * b.real) + (a.real * b.imaginary));

 * Division:
 * @param a
 * @param b
 * @return
private final static ComplexNumber div(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber b) {
    double d = (b.real * b.real) + (b.imaginary * b.imaginary);
    if (d == 0)
        return new ComplexNumber(Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
    return new ComplexNumber(((a.real * b.real) + (a.imaginary * b.imaginary)) / d, ((a.imaginary * b.real) - (a.real * b.imaginary)) / d);

 * Konjugation:
 * @param a
 * @return

private final static ComplexNumber conjugation(ComplexNumber a) {
    return new ComplexNumber(a.real, -a.imaginary);
于 2013-09-26T23:02:54.033 回答



   public class Complex
    private double real;
    private double imaginary;

    public Complex()
        this( 0.0, 0.0 );

    public Complex( double r, double i )
        real = r;
        imaginary = i;

    public double getReal() {
      return this.real;

    public double getImaginary() {
      return this.imaginary;


public class ComplexArith
    public static Complex complexAdd(Complex one, Complex two) {
        return Complex(one.getReal() + two.getReal(),
                      one.getImaginary() + two.getImaginary());

    public static Complex complexSub(Complex one, Complex two) {
        return Complex(one.getReal() - two.getReal(),
                       one.getImaginary - two.getImaginary());

此外,它与您的程序的功能无关,但习惯上让您的方法使用camelCase. 所以你的方法应该是这样的:

public static Complex complexAdd(Complex one, Complex two) {
    return Complex(one.getReal() + two.getReal(), 
                  one.getImaginary() + two.getImaginary());
于 2012-04-11T02:16:56.993 回答

就个人而言,我会将这些算术运算放在 Complex 类中。这些是对复数的真正操作,所以我不会将它们封装在 Complex 类之外。

我会考虑使 Complex 不可变。这样是线程安全的。

我喜欢静态的 add、sub、mul、div 方法。确保他们返回一个 Complex(现在没有)。其他方法,如余弦、正弦等,可能属于复杂包中的 Math 类。有关实数的示例,请参见 java.lang.Math。


于 2012-04-11T02:18:18.190 回答





于 2012-04-11T02:15:48.110 回答

将格式中的a转换为 a的正确方法是使用正则表达式。但是,如果您不熟悉编程,您的讲师可能会怀疑您从 Internet 上复制了该解决方案 :) 尝试以下操作:String(r,i)Complex

public static Complex fromString(String str) {
    str = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1);
    String[] parts = str.split(",");
    double r = Double.valueOf(parts[0]);
    double i = Double.valueOf(parts[1]);
    return new Complex(r, i);

您可以在此处找到有关 Java String 类的更多信息:http: //docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html

于 2012-04-11T02:48:14.587 回答


这已在 MIT 许可下发布,GitHub 项目在这里

 * <code>ComplexNumber</code> is a class which implements complex numbers in Java. 
 * It includes basic operations that can be performed on complex numbers such as,
 * addition, subtraction, multiplication, conjugate, modulus and squaring. 
 * The data type for Complex Numbers.
 * <br /><br />
 * The features of this library include:<br />
 * <ul>
 * <li>Arithmetic Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)</li>
 * <li>Complex Specific Operations - Conjugate, Inverse, Absolute/Magnitude, Argument/Phase</li>
 * <li>Trigonometric Operations - sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, cosec</li>
 * <li>Mathematical Functions - exp</li>
 * <li>Complex Parsing of type x+yi</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author      Abdul Fatir
 * @version     1.1
public class ComplexNumber
    * Used in <code>format(int)</code> to format the complex number as x+yi
    public static final int XY = 0;
    * Used in <code>format(int)</code> to format the complex number as R.cis(theta), where theta is arg(z)
    public static final int RCIS = 1;
    * The real, Re(z), part of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    private double real;
    * The imaginary, Im(z), part of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    private double imaginary;
    * Constructs a new <code>ComplexNumber</code> object with both real and imaginary parts 0 (z = 0 + 0i).
    public ComplexNumber()
        real = 0.0;
        imaginary = 0.0;

    * Constructs a new <code>ComplexNumber</code> object.
    * @param real the real part, Re(z), of the complex number
    * @param imaginary the imaginary part, Im(z), of the complex number

    public ComplexNumber(double real, double imaginary)
        this.real = real;
        this.imaginary = imaginary;

    * Adds another <code>ComplexNumber</code> to the current complex number.
    * @param z the complex number to be added to the current complex number

    public void add(ComplexNumber z)

    * Subtracts another <code>ComplexNumber</code> from the current complex number.
    * @param z the complex number to be subtracted from the current complex number

    public void subtract(ComplexNumber z)

    * Multiplies another <code>ComplexNumber</code> to the current complex number.
    * @param z the complex number to be multiplied to the current complex number

    public void multiply(ComplexNumber z)
    * Divides the current <code>ComplexNumber</code> by another <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @param z the divisor
    public void divide(ComplexNumber z)
    * Sets the value of current complex number to the passed complex number.
    * @param z the complex number
    public void set(ComplexNumber z)
        this.real = z.real;
        this.imaginary = z.imaginary;
    * Adds two <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @param z1 the first <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @param z2 the second <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @return the resultant <code>ComplexNumber</code> (z1 + z2).
    public static ComplexNumber add(ComplexNumber z1, ComplexNumber z2)
        return new ComplexNumber(z1.real + z2.real, z1.imaginary + z2.imaginary);

    * Subtracts one <code>ComplexNumber</code> from another.
    * @param z1 the first <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @param z2 the second <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @return the resultant <code>ComplexNumber</code> (z1 - z2).
    public static ComplexNumber subtract(ComplexNumber z1, ComplexNumber z2)
        return new ComplexNumber(z1.real - z2.real, z1.imaginary - z2.imaginary);
    * Multiplies one <code>ComplexNumber</code> to another.
    * @param z1 the first <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @param z2 the second <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @return the resultant <code>ComplexNumber</code> (z1 * z2).
    public static ComplexNumber multiply(ComplexNumber z1, ComplexNumber z2)
        double _real = z1.real*z2.real - z1.imaginary*z2.imaginary;
        double _imaginary = z1.real*z2.imaginary + z1.imaginary*z2.real;
        return new ComplexNumber(_real,_imaginary);
    * Divides one <code>ComplexNumber</code> by another.
    * @param z1 the first <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @param z2 the second <code>ComplexNumber</code>.
    * @return the resultant <code>ComplexNumber</code> (z1 / z2).
    public static ComplexNumber divide(ComplexNumber z1, ComplexNumber z2)
        ComplexNumber output = multiply(z1,z2.conjugate());
        double div = Math.pow(z2.mod(),2);
        return new ComplexNumber(output.real/div,output.imaginary/div);

    * The complex conjugate of the current complex number.
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> object which is the conjugate of the current complex number

    public ComplexNumber conjugate()
        return new ComplexNumber(this.real,-this.imaginary);

    * The modulus, magnitude or the absolute value of current complex number.
    * @return the magnitude or modulus of current complex number

    public double mod()
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.real,2) + Math.pow(this.imaginary,2));

    * The square of the current complex number.
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the square of the current complex number.

    public ComplexNumber square()
        double _real = this.real*this.real - this.imaginary*this.imaginary;
        double _imaginary = 2*this.real*this.imaginary;
        return new ComplexNumber(_real,_imaginary);
    * @return the complex number in x + yi format
    public String toString()
        String re = this.real+"";
        String im = "";
        if(this.imaginary < 0)
            im = this.imaginary+"i";
            im = "+"+this.imaginary+"i";
        return re+im;
    * Calculates the exponential of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z The input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is e^(input z)
    public static ComplexNumber exp(ComplexNumber z)
        double a = z.real;
        double b = z.imaginary;
        double r = Math.exp(a);
        a = r*Math.cos(b);
        b = r*Math.sin(b);
        return new ComplexNumber(a,b);
    * Calculates the <code>ComplexNumber</code> to the passed integer power.
    * @param z The input complex number
    * @param power The power.
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is (z)^power
    public static ComplexNumber pow(ComplexNumber z, int power)
        ComplexNumber output = new ComplexNumber(z.getRe(),z.getIm());
        for(int i = 1; i < power; i++)
            double _real = output.real*z.real - output.imaginary*z.imaginary;
            double _imaginary = output.real*z.imaginary + output.imaginary*z.real;
            output = new ComplexNumber(_real,_imaginary);
        return output;
    * Calculates the sine of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z the input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the sine of z.
    public static ComplexNumber sin(ComplexNumber z)
        double x = Math.exp(z.imaginary);
        double x_inv = 1/x;
        double r = Math.sin(z.real) * (x + x_inv)/2;
        double i = Math.cos(z.real) * (x - x_inv)/2;
        return new ComplexNumber(r,i);
    * Calculates the cosine of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z the input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the cosine of z.
    public static ComplexNumber cos(ComplexNumber z)
        double x = Math.exp(z.imaginary);
        double x_inv = 1/x;
        double r = Math.cos(z.real) * (x + x_inv)/2;
        double i = -Math.sin(z.real) * (x - x_inv)/2;
        return new ComplexNumber(r,i);
    * Calculates the tangent of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z the input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the tangent of z.
    public static ComplexNumber tan(ComplexNumber z)
        return divide(sin(z),cos(z));
    * Calculates the co-tangent of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z the input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the co-tangent of z.
    public static ComplexNumber cot(ComplexNumber z)
        return divide(new ComplexNumber(1,0),tan(z));
    * Calculates the secant of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z the input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the secant of z.
    public static ComplexNumber sec(ComplexNumber z)
        return divide(new ComplexNumber(1,0),cos(z));
    * Calculates the co-secant of the <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @param z the input complex number
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is the co-secant of z.
    public static ComplexNumber cosec(ComplexNumber z)
        return divide(new ComplexNumber(1,0),sin(z));
    * The real part of <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @return the real part of the complex number
    public double getRe()
        return this.real;
    * The imaginary part of <code>ComplexNumber</code>
    * @return the imaginary part of the complex number
    public double getIm()
        return this.imaginary;
    * The argument/phase of the current complex number.
    * @return arg(z) - the argument of current complex number
    public double getArg()
        return Math.atan2(imaginary,real);
    * Parses the <code>String</code> as a <code>ComplexNumber</code> of type x+yi.
    * @param s the input complex number as string
    * @return a <code>ComplexNumber</code> which is represented by the string.
    public static ComplexNumber parseComplex(String s)
        s = s.replaceAll(" ","");
        ComplexNumber parsed = null;
        if(s.contains(String.valueOf("+")) || (s.contains(String.valueOf("-")) && s.lastIndexOf('-') > 0))
            String re = "";
            String im = "";
            s = s.replaceAll("i","");
            s = s.replaceAll("I","");
            if(s.indexOf('+') > 0)
                re = s.substring(0,s.indexOf('+'));
                im = s.substring(s.indexOf('+')+1,s.length());
                parsed = new ComplexNumber(Double.parseDouble(re),Double.parseDouble(im));
            else if(s.lastIndexOf('-') > 0)
                re = s.substring(0,s.lastIndexOf('-'));
                im = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('-')+1,s.length());
                parsed = new ComplexNumber(Double.parseDouble(re),-Double.parseDouble(im));
            // Pure imaginary number
            if(s.endsWith("i") || s.endsWith("I"))
                s = s.replaceAll("i","");
                s = s.replaceAll("I","");
                parsed = new ComplexNumber(0, Double.parseDouble(s));
            // Pure real number
                parsed = new ComplexNumber(Double.parseDouble(s),0);
        return parsed;
    * Checks if the passed <code>ComplexNumber</code> is equal to the current.
    * @param z the complex number to be checked
    * @return true if they are equal, false otherwise
    public final boolean equals(Object z) 
        if (!(z instanceof ComplexNumber))
            return false;
        ComplexNumber a = (ComplexNumber) z;
        return (real == a.real) && (imaginary == a.imaginary);
    * The inverse/reciprocal of the complex number.
    * @return the reciprocal of current complex number.
    public ComplexNumber inverse()
        return divide(new ComplexNumber(1,0),this);
    * Formats the Complex number as x+yi or r.cis(theta)
    * @param format_id the format ID <code>ComplexNumber.XY</code> or <code>ComplexNumber.RCIS</code>.
    * @return a string representation of the complex number
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the format_id does not match.
    public String format(int format_id) throws IllegalArgumentException
        String out = "";
        if(format_id == XY)
            out = toString();
        else if(format_id == RCIS)
            out = mod()+" cis("+getArg()+")";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Complex Number format.");
        return out;
于 2014-07-03T13:29:20.817 回答


 public static ComplexNumber exp(ComplexNumber z)
    double a = z.real;
    double b = z.imaginary;
    double r = Math.exp(a);
    a = r*Math.cos(b);
    b = r*Math.sin(b);
    return new ComplexNumber(a,b);


 public static ComplexNumber exp(ComplexNumber z)
    double theta = Math.atan2(r.real/r.imag);
    double r =  mod();
    double a = r*Math.cos(theta );
    double b = r*Math.sin(theta );
    return new ComplexNumber(a,b);
于 2015-05-22T16:32:25.300 回答

或者.......你可以放弃所有这些废话,只使用 Apache Commons 库,它比这里的任何东西都好用,并且包括复杂的幂运算等基本操作。



于 2017-10-29T17:44:17.083 回答