我有一个在 TCP unix 域/本地套接字上侦听的服务器守护程序。在同一台机器上运行的多个客户端连接到它。守护进程还绑定到 UDP Internet 套接字。每当守护程序从本地客户端之一接收到任何数据时,它都会向所有连接的客户端发送相同的数据,但发送客户端除外。如果守护程序在 UDP 互联网套接字上接收数据,它需要将该数据发送到所有本地连接的客户端。当守护程序在本地套接字上接收数据时,数据的发送/接收工作完美。但是,当服务器向客户端发送在 UDP 互联网套接字上接收到的数据时,客户端不会收到任何数据。客户端在退出服务器守护程序并关闭连接后,或者当任何客户端在本地向服务器发送数据时接收该 Internet 数据。互联网数据与本地数据一起被客户端接收。我已将本地和 inet 套接字设置为阻塞使用fcntl(). 这是我拥有的守护程序代码(我已经删除了所有不必要的代码):

  FD_SET(sockfd, &read_fds);
  FD_SET(inet_sock, &read_fds);
  for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    FD_SET(clients[i], &read_fds);

  select(maxfd + 1, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, NULL);

  /* Check for events on inet sock */
  if (FD_ISSET(inet_sock, &read_fds))
    /* Read from inet sock */
    socklen = sizeof(dest_sin);
    rval = recvfrom(inet_sock, buf, BUFLEN-1, MSG_DONTWAIT,
                    (struct sockaddr *) &dest_sin, &socklen);        
    fprintf(stderr, "Received: %d (%d) bytes containing %s", rval, strlen(buf), buf);

    /* Send the message to every other client */
    for(j=0; j < nclients; j++)
      send(clients[j], buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT);

  /* A read event on the local socket is a new connection */
  if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &read_fds))
    socklen = sizeof(dest_sun);
    /* Accept the new connection */
    rval = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &dest_sun, &socklen);

    /* Add client to list of clients */
    clients[nclients++] = rval;
    if (rval > maxfd) maxfd = rval;
    snprintf(s, BUFLEN, "You are client %d [%d]. You are now connected.\n\0",
        nclients, rval);
    send(rval, s, strnlen(s, BUFLEN), MSG_DONTWAIT);

  /* Check for events from each client */
  for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++)
    fprintf(stderr,"Checking client %d [%d] for read indicator.\n",i, clients[i]);

    /* Client read events */
    if (FD_ISSET(clients[i], &read_fds))
      fprintf(stderr, "Client %d [%d] marked for read.\n", i, clients[i]);

      /* Read from client */
      rval=recv(clients[i], buf, BUFLEN-1, MSG_DONTWAIT);

      fprintf(stderr, "Received: %d (%d) bytes containing %s", rval, strlen(buf), buf);

      /* Send the message to every other client */
      for(j=0; j < nclients; j++)
        /* Skip the sender */
        if (j == i) continue;
        /* Send the message */
        send(clients[j], s, strlen(s, BUFLEN), MSG_DONTWAIT);


  FD_SET(fileno(stdin), &read_fds);
  FD_SET(sockfd, &read_fds);
  select(fileno(stdin) > sockfd ? fileno(stdin)+1 : sockfd+1,
&read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, NULL);

  if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &read_fds))
    /* Read from socket and display to user */
    mlen = recv(sockfd, (void *)buf, BUFLEN-1, MSG_DONTWAIT);
    printf("Received %d bytes: %s", mlen, buf);

  if (FD_ISSET(fileno(stdin), &read_fds))
    fgets(buf, BUFLEN, stdin);
    fprintf(stderr, "Sent %d octets to server.", 
    send(sockfd, (void *)buf, (size_t) strnlen(buf, BUFLEN), 0));

目标是让客户端立即接收守护程序发送给他们的数据(守护程序在其 inet 套接字上接收的数据)。

编辑:我认为当守护进程发送数据时,客户端的 select() 返回套接字是可读的,但是 recv() 是阻塞的,这就是我没有在客户端获取数据的原因。对于如何解决这个问题,有任何的建议吗?


1 回答 1



send(clients[j], buf, strlen(buf),        MSG_DONTWAIT);
send(rval,       s,   strnlen(s, BUFLEN), MSG_DONTWAIT);
send(clients[j], s,   strlen(s, BUFLEN),  MSG_DONTWAIT);



于 2012-04-11T00:13:50.267 回答