您的问题来自您的平台和字体中对 Unicode 的处理。正如维基百科上解释的那样:上标 1,2 和 3 以前在 Latin-1 中处理过,因此在字体方面得到了不同的支持。
我没有注意到固定大小问题,但在大多数字体(在 Linux 和 MacOS 上)上,1、2、3 与 4-9 没有正确对齐。
我的建议是选择一种符合您需要的字体(您可以查看提供自由高质量字体的 DejaVu 系列)。
from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
master = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(master, width=600, height=150)
canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W+N+E+S)
list = Listbox(master)
for f in sorted(tkFont.families()):
list.insert(END, f)
list.grid(row=1, column=0)
font_size= IntVar()
ruler = Scale(master, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=1, to=200, variable=font_size)
ruler.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W+E)
def font_changed(*args):
sel = list.curselection()
font_name = list.get(sel[0]) if len(sel) > 0 else "Times"
canvas.itemconfig(text_item, font=(font_name,font_size.get()))
#force redrawing of the whole Canvas
# dirty rectangle of text items has bug with "superscript" character
def draw():
supernumber_exception={1:u'\u00b9', 2:u'\u00b2', 3:u'\u00b3'}
mytext =""
for i in range(10):
mytext += u'U'+ (supernumber_exception[i] if i in supernumber_exception else unichr(8304+i))+" "
return canvas.create_text(50, 50,text = mytext, anchor=NW)
text_item = draw()
list.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", font_changed)
font_size.trace("w", font_changed)
master.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=0)
master.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
master.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
master.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=0)