I am using the suds.js library in Appcelerator to interact with a SOAP API. I've successfully sent a request and am looking for help parsing the response. I'd like to parse out the location name.
694 次
1 回答
我对 suds.js 了解不多,但 jQuery 可以相当轻松地解析您的 xml。
示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/UprDs/1/
var myXML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Response> <Data> <MobileDropDetail> <MobileDropTypeCode>Test</MobileDropTypeCode> <MobileDropID>1</MobileDropID> </MobileDropDetail> <Locations> <L> <ID>1376</ID> <Name>Testing Location</Name> </L> <L> <ID>1403</ID> <Name>Other Testing Location</Name> </L> <L> <ID>1471</ID> <Name>New Testing Location</Name> </L> <L> <ID>1475</ID> <Name>Test Los Angeles</Name> </L> </Locations> <Groups> <G> <ID>251</ID> <Name>Mobile Test Region</Name> </G> <G> <ID>252</ID> <Name>Mobile Demo Region</Name> </G> </Groups> <LocationGroupPairs> <LG> <LID>1376</LID> <GID>251</GID> </LG> <LG> <LID>1475</LID> <GID>251</GID> </LG> <LG> <LID>1403</LID> <GID>252</GID> </LG> <LG> <LID>1471</LID> <GID>252</GID> </LG> </LocationGroupPairs> </Data> <Error> <Message>Success</Message> <ReturnCode>1</ReturnCode> </Error></Response>';
alert($(myXML).find('Locations Name:eq(0)').html());
于 2012-04-10T20:46:38.193 回答