我从谷歌听到关于 Go 编程语言的嗡嗡声。Wikipedia 是这样描述它的:“Go 旨在提供静态类型编译语言的效率和动态语言的易于编程”。我在想,既然它是来自 android 制造商的语言,他们应该对创建 android 应用程序有一些支持。是否有任何工具可以从 Go 创建 android 应用程序?假设“SOMEDAY” android 可能基于 GO,Go 是否值得学习。


1 回答 1


There's currently no way to build Android apps with Go, and some hypothetical future version of Android isn't a good reason to invest time in Go today.

That said, Go is a great language, you can do a lot with it like write webservers, command line apps, and even AppEngine apps. So there's lots of good reasons to learn Go! But Android isn't one of them.

Edit: As of Go 1.5 it is possible to write Android apps completely in Go or as a Java app calling a Go JNI library. iOS is also expected to arrive in time for the final 1.5 release. Go to https://github.com/golang/mobile for more details.

于 2012-04-10T20:15:10.477 回答