

A first chance exception of type 'Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestException' occurred in Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll

我可能错了,但是如果有问题的交换服务器与运行代码的服务器位于同一个千兆网络上,并且 Outlook 可以快速访问电子邮件、附件等,那么附件的下载速度应该比它们快得多,而且更加一致。以下是下载/加载时间的一些示例:

  • 800KB 压缩 - 1m 4s
  • 840KB 邮编 - 6m 18s
  • 1.33MB 邮编 - 11m 23s
  • 2.78MB 拉链 - 17m 3s

我尝试将 EWS 连接超时设置设置为 300000 毫秒,而不是默认的 100000 毫秒,以便为附件提供更多下载时间,并且异常数量略有减少,但现在等待时间太长了。

代码确实在线程中运行,一次不超过 8 个(我相信 10 个是 EWS 的节流限制),但我无法想象这会产生很大的不同。(当我一次测试单个电子邮件时,它还没有完成)。


        Dim strMessageFolder As String

        ' Prepare the directory where this emails attachments will be stored
        strMessageFolder = g_strFolder_Temp & strMessageID & "\"

        ' Create a folder to store the attachments for this email
        Call FileSystem_CreateFolder(strMessageFolder, True)

        ' Process the emails attachments
        For Each emailAttachment In emailMessage.Attachments
            Dim fileattach As FileAttachment
            'Dim fileattachStream As FileStream
            Dim strAttachmentFile As String

            ' Prepare for the downloading of the attachment
            fileattach = emailAttachment
            blnTryFailed = False
            intAttempts = 0
            strAttachmentFile = strMessageFolder & fileattach.Name

            ' Handle up to 3 download attempts
                    ' Try to download the attachment - Method 1

                    ' Try to download the attachment - Method 2
                    'fileattachStream = New FileStream(strAttachmentFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)

                    blnTryFailed = False

                Catch ex As Exception
                    blnTryFailed = True

                    ' Ensure the failed download is deleted
                    Call FileSystem_DeleteFile(strAttachmentFile)

                    intAttempts += 1

                End Try

            Loop While blnTryFailed And intAttempts < 3

            ' If the attachment download was unsuccessful then we cannot process the current email
            If blnTryFailed = True Then
                emailMessage.IsRead = False
                'message.Subject = message.Subject & " - Attachment download failed, skipped"
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Call Logging_Add("Unable to mark email as skipped", strMessageID, "Debug")
                End Try
                Exit Sub
            End If

如前所述,我知道 Exchange 限制,但找不到与下载附件速度相关的任何内容。所以我的问题是什么可能导致下载速度如此缓慢?


1 回答 1


我的应用程序也有同样的问题。该问题是由默认 EWS 设置引起的,该设置将 EWS 和应用程序之间的所有 HttpRequest 和 HttpResponse 消息写入控制台。关闭 TraceFlags 是一件好事。我在 C# 中的代码:

ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
service.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.None;
于 2015-02-19T11:33:28.460 回答