即使在我使用以下命令重置 root 密码后,我也无法登录 MySQL:(列出的其他命令以提供更多信息)
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
# ps -Aw |grep mysql
26522 ? 00:00:00 mysqld
# /etc/init.d/mysql start
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service mysql start
Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start mysql
# sudo mysqladmin -u root password 123
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
似乎 MySQL 运行不正常
更新:我在 Ubuntu 下使用 MySQL 5.1。直到我在 my.cnf 中进行一些更改以启用远程访问之前都可以。我撤消了我的更改,但问题没有解决!(也许我忘了撤消一些事情!)
# service mysql status
mysql start/running, process 26650
# /etc/init.d/mysql status
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service mysql status
Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the status(8) utility, e.g. status mysql
mysql start/running, process 26650