我正在尝试编写一个类来提取从 Lua 函数调用(调用已注册 C 函数的 Lua 脚本)传递的参数并将它们传递给已注册的方法(我的代码片段中的 IDelegate),以便我可以执行它并返回值.
假设我从 GameBoard 类中注册了以下方法
:在 Lua 下注册long int GameBoard::testFunct(long int);
为“GB:testFunction” ,代码如下:
luaL_newmetatable(mState, "GameBoard");
lua_pushstring(mState, "__index");
lua_pushvalue(mState, -2);
lua_settable(mState, -3);
hbt::IDelegate<I32,I32>* ideleg = new MethodDelegatePtr<GameBoard,I32,I32>( NULL, &GameBoard::testFunct); // will be deleted later
lua_pushlightuserdata (mState, (IDelegate<I32,I32>*)ideleg);
lua_pushcclosure(mState, LuaCall<I32,GameBoard,I32>::LuaCallback,1);
然后当我在 Lua 脚本中写入时LuaCall<I32,GameBoard,I32>::LuaCallback
将调用(以 Lua 堆栈作为参数)GB:testFunction(17);
如果我注册并调用一个没有任何参数的方法,它就可以工作。但是如果有任何参数等待long int GameBoard::testFunct(long int);
在静态成员函数中 static Tr tUnpackLuaArgs<0u>::unpack(IDelegate*, lua_State*, ArgsValue ...) [with C = GameBoard, Tr = int, Args = {long int}, ArgsValue = {std::basic_string} , lua_State = lua_State]':
从 'static Tr tUnpackLuaArgs::unpack(IDelegate*, lua_State*, ArgsValue ...) [with C = GameBoard, Tr = int, Args = {long int}, ArgsValue = {}, unsigned int i = 1u, lua_State = lua_State]'</p>
从 'static int LuaCall::LuaCallback(lua_State*) [with C = GameBoard, Args = {long int}, lua_State = lua_State]'实例化</p>
错误:不匹配调用 '(MethodDelegatePtr) (std::basic_string&)'</p>
注意:没有已知的参数 1 从 'std::basic_string' 到 'long int&' 的转换</p>
在静态成员函数 'static Tr tUnpackLuaArgs<0u>::unpack(IDelegate*, lua_State*, ArgsValue ...) [with C = GameBoard, Tr = int, Args = {long int}, ArgsValue = {bool} , lua_State = lua_State]':
从 'static Tr tUnpackLuaArgs::unpack(IDelegate*, lua_State*, ArgsValue ...) [with C = GameBoard, Tr = int, Args = {long int}, ArgsValue = {}, unsigned int i = 1u, lua_State = lua_State]'</p>
从 'static int LuaCall::LuaCallback(lua_State*) [with C = GameBoard, Args = {long int}, lua_State = lua_State]'实例化</p>
错误:不匹配调用 '(MethodDelegatePtr) (bool&)'</p>
注意:没有已知的参数 1 从 'bool' 到 'long int&' 的转换</p>
当我注册一个等待 a 的方法时,我无法找到为什么 ArgsValue 尝试传递 astd::basic_string<char>
或a ...它应该传递 a 。bool
long int
long int
这是我编写的用于提取来自 Lua 脚本函数调用的参数的类。
template< unsigned int i >
class tUnpackLuaArgs
template< class C, class Tr, class... Args, class... ArgsValue >
static Tr unpack( IDelegate<C,Tr,Args...>* ideleg, lua_State *L, ArgsValue... argsVal)
int t = lua_type(L, i+1);
if( t == LUA_TNUMBER)
I32 tmpUint = lua_tonumber(L, i+1);
return tUnpackLuaArgs< i-1 >::unpack( ideleg, L, argsVal..., tmpUint);
else if( t == LUA_TSTRING)
std::string tmpStr = lua_tostring(L, i+1);
return tUnpackLuaArgs< i-1 >::unpack( ideleg, L, argsVal..., tmpStr);
else if( t == LUA_TBOOLEAN)
bool tmpBool = lua_toboolean(L, i+1);
return tUnpackLuaArgs< i-1 >::unpack( ideleg, L, argsVal..., tmpBool);
class tUnpackLuaArgs<0>
template< class C, class Tr, class... Args, class... ArgsValue >
static Tr unpack( IDelegate<C,Tr,Args...>* ideleg, lua_State *L, ArgsValue... argsVal)
//-- Execute the registered method using the LUA arguments
//-- and returns the returned value
return (*ideleg)( argsVal... );
// Specialized template returning an integer
template <class C, class... Args>
struct LuaCall<int, C, Args...>
static int LuaCallback(lua_State *L)
//-- retrieve method "IDelegate" from Lua stack etc.
//-- then call tUnpackLuaArgs with the arguments to push the returned value onto the lua stack
lua_pushnumber(L, tUnpackLuaArgs< sizeof...(Args) >::unpack(funcPtr,L));
return 1;
事实上,如果我从 if/else in函数中删除LUA_TSTRING
and the ,它确实可以编译并且工作正常。LUA_TBOOLEAN