I'm just starting out in JSF, looks awesome, but I can't seem to figure out this last barrier.
I'm used to traditional Jquery AJAX function, which is perfect in my book. But I was hoping to find a way to get it to work in harmony with JSF.
Here is a scenario to explain my situation.
I have a messaging page on my website, where users can send each other messages. So in my xhtml page I have something that looks like this:
<h:inputTextarea id="newMessageContent" value="#{conversationBean.newMessage}"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{siteLang.messages_send}" action="#{conversationBean.sendMessage}">
<f:ajax render=":conversationMessages" execute="newMessageContent"/>
Works great. Users can post their message and it loads it in the conversation div above. But now I need to add some features. - When user clicks, the button and textarea should get disabled to avoid interaction until the action is completed. And a loader should appear - When the JSF finishes it's stuff, the textarea and button should get enabled and the loader should disappear...and the focus goes back to the textarea.
In Jquery I would simply do something like this:
beforeSend: function (){
// Disable textarea and button, show loader
complete: function () {
// Do the inverse of above
Thanks for the help!