我目前正在集思广益,想出一个涉及 p2p 渲染农场的想法,有点像 renderfarm.fi,但区别在于您为服务付费,而处理池的贡献者获得报酬。目前渲染农场根据 GHZ/h 测量价格,但是当计算机渲染不受信任时,有没有一种好方法可以测量计算机的等效 GHZ/h,考虑到计算机可能部分加载其他程序会减慢实际渲染时间, ETC?
2 回答
Because your worker process can ask the OS counters how much execution time they've received and that can be matched up with progress on the work package you can pay out based upon work-units-completed, but charge in GHz/h. You know you can't trust the user's clock (or anything else for that matter), but you can verify the work units returned and approximate their computational complexity by combining the program counters from multiple peers.
You have no way to know for sure that the system is or is not particularly loaded, but you do know if work went out and came back. However you will have to verify that the work was done correctly. Probably means over-provisioning and running every render twice on two different machines to ensure someone isn't inserting garbage results that are faster to compute.
Good luck. I don't know how you'll be able to beat the likes of Amazon with them charging ~$0.10 per GHz/h.
操作系统可以并且很可能会测量进程占用的实际CPU 时间。因此,这可以用来衡量进程本身在机器 CPU 上运行所花费的实际时间。由于其他进程在后台运行,CPU 时间不会向任何方向倾斜,因此非常适合此目的。
CPU 时间本身就是此类渲染服务出售的资源,因此按用户/客户端对其进行衡量,然后根据渲染农场的用户/客户端花费的 CPU 时间相应地为服务定价是合乎逻辑的。