我有一个来自 .h 文件的代码(片段):
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ILView.h"
* Controls the orientation of the picker
typedef enum {
ILHuePickerViewOrientationHorizontal = 0,
ILHuePickerViewOrientationVertical = 1
} ILHuePickerViewOrientation;
@class ILHuePickerView;
* Hue picker delegate
@protocol ILHuePickerViewDelegate
* Called when the user picks a new hue
* @param hue 0..1 The hue the user picked
* @param picker The picker used
-(void)huePicked:(float)hue picker:(ILHuePickerView *)picker;
* Displays a gradient allowing the user to select a hue
@interface ILHuePickerView : ILView {
id<ILHuePickerViewDelegate> delegate;
float hue;
ILHuePickerViewOrientation pickerOrientation;
* Delegate
//@property (assign, nonatomic) IBOutlet id<ILHuePickerViewDelegate> delegate;
@property (assign, nonatomic) IBOutlet __unsafe_unretained id<ILHuePickerViewDelegate> delegate;
* The current hue
@property (assign, nonatomic) float hue;
.m 文件如下所示:
#import "ILHuePickerView.h"
#import "UIColor+GetHSB.h"
@interface ILHuePickerView(Private)
-(void)handleTouches:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
@implementation ILHuePickerView
@synthesize color, delegate, hue, pickerOrientation;
#pragma mark - Setup
[super setup];
我查看了类似情况的 SO,发现我需要在属性中添加“__unsafe_unretained”......我这样做了(希望是正确的),但它仍然在构建中失败。完整的错误信息是:Existing ivar 'delegate' for property 'delegate' with assign 属性 must be __unsafe_unretained