有人可以指出这个工作的一个例子。我只想通过 AppleScript 设置一个属性值。我已经浏览了所有可编写脚本的示例,它们的设置不同。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dictionary title="">
<suite name="Circle View Scripting" code="bccS" description="Commands and classes for     Circle View Scripting">
    <class name="application" code="capp" description="" >
        <cocoa class="NSApplication"/>

        <property name="circletext" code="crtx" type="text" description="The text that gets spun into a circle">
            <cocoa key="circleText"/>
        <property name="myint" code="crmy" type="integer" description="The text that gets spun into a circle">
            <cocoa key="myInt"/>


// header 
@interface MyDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> 
    WebScriptObject *scriptObject;
    WebView *webView;
    NSWindow *window;
    NSInteger myInt; 

// implementation
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication*)sender delegateHandlesKey:(NSString*)key 
    return key isEqualToString:@"myInt"] || [key isEqualToString:@"circleText"];;

    NSInteger myInteger = 42;
    return myInteger;

    // do nothing right now

// Applescript 尝试设置属性“myInt”

tell application "BrowserConfigClient"  
set myint to 7
end tell

最终,调用了 delegateHandlesKey 方法,我能够为属性返回一个值,但永远不会调用 setter。提前致谢...


1 回答 1


Your method statement has an error...


There should not be a "*" as NSInteger is not a "pointer" variable. I see in the comments of your question that Ken Thomases has already told you this so make sure to fix it.

So if this is not your problem then look at your sdef file. I can see you did not close the dictionary tag. You need this as the last line of that file.


I also have this as the second line in my sdef files...

<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
于 2012-04-10T15:20:26.613 回答