public List<Location2D> Path(Location2D start, Location2D goal)
openset = new List<NodeInfo>(); // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated, initially containing the start node.
closedset = new List<NodeInfo>(); // The set of nodes already evaluated.
path = new List<Location2D>(); // The path result.
came_from = new Dictionary<Location2D, Location2D>();
NodeInfo Start = new NodeInfo();
Start.SetLoction(start.X, start.Y);
Start.H = GetHValue(start, goal);
while (openset.Count > 0) { // while openset is not empty
NodeInfo current = CheckBestNode(); //the node in openset having the lowest f_score[] value
if (current.Location.Equals(goal)) {
return path;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // neighbor nodes.
NodeInfo neighbor = new NodeInfo();
neighbor.SetLoction((ushort)(current.Location.X + ArrayX[i]), (ushort)(current.Location.Y + ArrayY[i]));
bool tentative_is_better = false;
if (closedset.Contains(neighbor))
if (!map.Cells[neighbor.Location.X, neighbor.Location.Y].Walkable) { closedset.Add(neighbor); continue; }
Double tentative_g_score = current.G + DistanceBetween(current.Location, neighbor.Location);
if (!openset.Contains(neighbor)) {
neighbor.H = GetHValue(neighbor.Location, goal);
tentative_is_better = true;
} else if (tentative_g_score < neighbor.G) {
tentative_is_better = true;
} else {
tentative_is_better = false;
if (tentative_is_better) {
came_from[neighbor.Location] = current.Location;
neighbor.G = tentative_g_score;
return null;
private void ReconstructPathRecursive(Location2D current_node)
Location2D temp;
if (came_from.TryGetValue(current_node, out temp)) {
} else {
实现 A* 算法也是如此,当它找到目标时,它会转到 ReconstructPathRecursive
应用程序崩溃并抛出此异常An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
和This thread is stopped with only external code frames on the call stack. External code frames are typically from framework code but can also include other optimized modules which are loaded in the target process.