Forall n >= 1, C(n) = n/2 if n even,
3*n + 1 if n odd
以 k0
位结尾的数字的第 k 次迭代:
C^k(a*2^k) = a
以 k位结尾的数字的第 (2k) 次迭代:
C^(2k)(a*2^k + 2^k - 1) = a*3^k + 3^k - 1 = (a + 1)*3^k - 1
参照。维基百科文章的公式(法语);另请参阅我的网站(法语)和我的 Python 包 DSPython 中的模块tnp1。
将以下代码与 Niklas B 解释的记忆技术结合起来:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
from __future__ import division # Python 3 style in Python 2
from __future__ import print_function # Python 3 style in Python 2
def C(n):
"""Pre: n: int >= 1
Result: int >= 1"""
return (n//2 if n%2 == 0
else n*3 + 1)
def Ck(n, k):
"""Pre: n: int >= 1
k: int >= 0
Result: int >= 1"""
while k > 0:
while (n%2 == 0) and k: # n even
n //= 2
k -= 1
if (n == 1) and k:
n = 4
k -= 1
nb = 0
while (n > 1) and n%2 and (k > 1): # n odd != 1
n //= 2
nb += 1
k -= 2
if n%2 and (k == 1):
n = (n + 1)*(3**(nb + 1)) - 2
k -= 1
elif nb:
n = (n + 1)*(3**nb) - 1
return n
def C_length(n):
"""Pre: n: int >= 1
Result: int >= 1"""
l = 1
while n > 1:
while (n > 1) and (n%2 == 0): # n even
n //= 2
l += 1
nb = 0
while (n > 1) and n%2: # n odd != 1
n //= 2
nb += 1
l += 2
if nb:
n = (n + 1)*(3**nb) - 1
return l
if __name__ == '__main__':
for n in range(1, 51):
print(n, ': length =', C_length(n))