I was given a new computer at work with a new O/S and the latest version of Microsoft Access. I used to have Access 2003. Now I have Access 2010.

I used to be able to have an Access 2003 Project linked to a SQL Server 2000 database, and when I opened the Access 2003 project to import a comma-delimited text file, a file (EDIT: more precisely, a table) would be created in SQL Server and the data from the text file would end up in SQL Server.

Now I want to do the same thing now, but Access 2010 is different and I cannot see how it's done.

Menu choices:

Database Tools -> SQL Server executes an upsizing tool which is not compatible with SQL Server 2000.

External Data -> ODBC Database does allow me to attach to the existing SQL Server 2000 database, but when I import a CSV file, the table is created locally in Access, not in SQL Server 2000.

Can Access 2010 be used to import data in to SQL Server 2000? How?



1 回答 1


您可以直接从 SQL Server 发出 BULK INSERT 存储过程,这应该比 MS 访问本机可以执行的任何操作快十几倍。

于 2012-11-03T00:03:09.697 回答