I have a registration form, the form is sending to a third party payment page. Right now I want to insert the form data to a database before it goes to the third party payment page which I have no access to it. I am thinking to create a page, insert the data to my database and then redirect it to the payment page. There are a lot of variables need to be passed to the payment page, in stead of passing the variables in querystring, is there any better way to do it? TIA


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始终建议通过 POST(而不是 GET/querystring)传递敏感数据单击此处了解更多关于经典 ASP 中的获取与发布表单的信息!

Registration.asp - 此页面使用表单从用户那里收集信息并将数据提交到 add.asp

Add.asp - 此页面与您的数据库通信并验证用户(如果用户名已被使用,则发送错误消息)然后重定向到支付页面。

pay.asp - 这是付款页面...

于 2012-04-11T06:31:59.960 回答