Im migrating a working interactive Google Maps V2 to V3 where the web user supplies a zip code through a form field which calls a javascript function that runs a query on the database through a PHP script. The PHP script should return the jscript array.
When the jscript function is called (on clicking the form button), nothing is happening. Or the PHP script isn't returning a jscript array as expected
The error console doesn't report any error, and firebug shows the function and array variables as expected, however the array variable is empty.
Can someone who has implemented V3 with search function take a look at what I'm doing and give some advice? Thanks in advance:
from html
Enter Zip Code: <input type="text" id="zip" /><input type="button"
onclick="seachLocationsNear()" value="Search Locations" /></p>
from jscript
function searchLocationsNear(zip) {
var zipcode = document.getElementById('zip').value;
var storeloc = 'dbsearch_genArray.php?zip=' + zipcode;
from php
//query works as expected, returns $result
//using while loop to assign query result to jscript array storeloc
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
print "storeloc.push($row['address'],$row['lat'],$row['lng']);";
Here is the full javascript //
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
// call setMarkers function on initialization
setMarkers(map, storeloc);
* Define Variables
* storeloc - multidim array, elements title[0],lat[1],lng[2]
* image - string, relative path (from parent html) to icon
* infoWindow - obj, contains info window constructor
// Works as expected when array is statically defined
/* var storeloc = [
* ['4141 Rockside Rd Seven Hills OH', 41.400, -81.663],
* ['7515 Auburn Road Painesville', 41.66, -81.24],
* ['2496 E Aurora Road Twinsburg', 41.301218, -81.46940]
* ];
var image='img/maps_logo.png';
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({maxWidth:100});
var marker = new Array();
* dynamically populate the storeloc array when searchLocationsNear()
* function is called on button click.
function searchLocationsNear(zip) {
var zipcode = document.getElementById('zip').value;
var storeloc = 'dbsearch_genArray.php?zip=' + zipcode;
* Define setMarkers function with map and locations parameters
* locations contain storeloc multidim array, called in initialize block.
function setMarkers(map, locations) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
var locate = locations[i];
var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(locate[1], locate[2]);
marker[i] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatLng,
map: map,
icon: image,
title: locate[0]
} //close for loop
} //close setMarkers function
* instanciate InfoWindow for each marker
function markerClick(mark){
var n;
for (n=0; n < marker.length; ++n) {
if (marker[n] == mark) {
var infoContent = marker[n].title;
infoWindow.setContent('<p>Store Location Is:<br>' + infoContent + '</p>');[n], mark);
* clear markers function, v3 requires the developer to keep
* track of markers and overlays through array.
function clearMarkers() {
var i;
for (i=0; i < markerArray.length; i++) {
As I noted in the comment, the implementation is working as expected when the storeloc array is statically defined. But not when I try and dynamically create the array through user input.
Thanks in advance, RWhite35