Whenever I execute a plt.show() in an Ipython console in spyderlib, the console freezes until I close the figure window. This only occurs in spyderlib and the blocking does occur when I run ipython --pylab or run ipython normally and call plt.ion() before plotting. I've tried using plt.draw(), but nothing happens with that command.

plt.ion() works for ipython, but when I run the same command in spyder it seems to not plot anything altogether (plt.show() no longer works).

Enviroment Details: Python 2.6.5, Qt 4.6.2, PyQt4 (API v2) 4.7.2 on Linux


1 回答 1


我遇到了类似的(我认为)问题。确保您的解释器设置为在当前解释器中执行(默认,应允许交互式绘图)。如果它设置为在新的专用 python 解释器中执行,请确保在选择执行后与 python 解释器交互。这为我解决了这个问题。

于 2012-05-23T17:07:29.173 回答