What is the best way of uploading files to Google App Engine Blobstore with Play! Framework, using Siena and GAE module?

I have tried declaring a Blob field in my Model:

public Blob image;

And a method to attach the file:

public void attachImage(byte[] bytes) {
    this.image = new Blob(bytes);

I don't really know how to test this since the CrudSiena module doesn't display an upload field. Any help much appreciated.


1 回答 1


Blob 是由 GAE 数据存储管理的类型,但它与 GAE Blobstore 不同!

如果您在模型中使用 byte[] 而不是 Blob,它是否适用于 CrudSiena?

于 2012-04-08T19:33:31.747 回答