
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

class Format f where type Target f
class Format f => Formatter x f where
  target :: forall y. Formatable y => Target f -> x -> y
class Formatable y where name :: y -> String

instance Formatable Integer where name = show
instance Formatable Int where name = show

split :: forall x f. (Format f, Formatter x f) => x -> f -> String -> [Either String (Target f)]
split = undefined

display :: forall x f. (Format f, Formatter x f) => f -> String -> x -> String
display f str x = let
  chunks = split x f str
  built = foldr apply "" chunks
  apply (Left s) accum = accum ++ s
  apply (Right t) accum = accum ++ name (target t x)
  in foldr apply "" chunks


它们Formattables以多种方式组成,并且可以响应许多不同的目标。s 本质上是和Formatter之间的路由器——给定一个目标(来自特定格式),它们以合适的对象响应。FormatFormattableFormattable


  • DateFormat指定目标,如YearMonthDay
  • MonthType是一种Formattable新类型Int,其名称如“二月”
  • 还有简单的instance Formattable Int where name = show
  • DateTime可能是(Int, MonthType, Int).



首先,它将字符串分解为目标和字符串。例如,日期格式化程序可能会将字符串"%Y-%m-%d"分解为[Right Year, Left "-", Right Month, Left "-", Right Day]. 该split功能可以做到这一点,并已在此处进行了编辑。

display函数只是跟踪Formattable每个目标的 s 并累积字符串。



    Could not deduce (Target f ~ Target f0)
    from the context (Format f, Formatter x f)
      bound by the type signature for
                 display :: (Format f, Formatter x f) => f -> String -> x -> String
      at Reduced.hs:(19,5)-(24,30)
    NB: `Target' is a type function, and may not be injective
    Expected type: [Either [Char] (Target f0)]
      Actual type: [Either String (Target f)]
    In the return type of a call of `split'
    In the expression: split x f str
    In an equation for `chunks': chunks = split x f str
Failed, modules loaded: none.



1 回答 1


问题是Target f不确定f,这意味着函数

target :: (Formatter f x, Formatable y) => Target f -> x -> y

永远不能被调用。无论您给 什么类型的注释target,您都无法确定是什么f,因此编译器永远无法确定Formatter要使用哪个实例。我不是 100% 确定,但可能解决方案不是使用多参数类型类,而是让其中一个xf成为另一个的函数。此外,您可能应该Format完全删除该类(您知道不需要类来使用类型族吗?)。也许是这样的:

class Formatter x where
    type Format x
    target :: Formatable y => Format x -> x -> y
于 2012-04-08T01:03:17.373 回答