定制窗帘设计师收取每个窗帘 50 美元的基本费用。此外,某些款式、尺码和颜色的收费如下:
款式:常规色调:加 0 美元 折叠色调:加 10 美元 罗马色调:加 15 美元
尺寸: 25 英寸宽:加 0 美元 27 英寸宽:加 2 美元 32 英寸宽:加 4 美元 40 英寸宽:加 6 美元
颜色: 自然色:加 5 美元 蓝色:加 0 美元 蓝绿色:加 0 美元 红色:加 0 美元 绿色:加 0 美元
我采用了两种方法,但下面的第一个程序代码存在算法问题,它没有将样式、尺寸和颜色选择的额外成本添加到计算总价格中。我不确定它是否是每个添加的选择,例如总费用 = 样式选择 + 尺寸选择 + 颜色选择。我只是不确定如何让它在代码中计算和使用正确的算法。下面的 shadedesigner.java 代码
此代码之后的第二个代码是第二种方法,其中配置面板控制我相信列表或组合框容器和面板操作到 shadedesignerwindow.java。配置面板被假定为 shaddesignerwindow 程序的实现或接口。以下是我到目前为止的内容,但我不确定如何让配置面板按照他们想要的方式使用 shadedesignerwindow。
下面是我为 shadedesigner 程序构建的代码。一切正常且合规,但如果选择了样式、尺寸和颜色,我无法开发正确的算法来将附加选择添加到阴影的总费用中。重新发布更正 2012 年 4 月 8 日编辑的代码如下。
* Filename: ShadeDesigner.java
* Programmer: Jamin A. Bishop
* Date: 3/31/2012
* @version 1.00 2012/4/2
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
public class ShadeDesigner extends JFrame
private String[] styles = {"Regular Shades", "Folding Shades", "Roman Shades"};
private String[] size = {"25 Inches Wide", "27 Inches Wide",
"32 Inches Wide", "40 Inches Wide"};
private String[] colors = {"Natural", "Blue", "Teal",
"Red", "Green"};
private JLabel banner;// To display a banner
private JPanel bannerPanel;// To hold the banner
private JPanel stylesPanel;//
private JPanel sizePanel;//
private JPanel colorPanel;
private JPanel buttonPanel;//
private JList stylesList;
private JList sizeList;
private JList colorList;
private JTextField Styles;
private JTextField Size;
private JTextField Color;
private JButton calcButton;
private JButton ExitButton;
private double totalCharges = 50.00;
private final int ROWS = 5;
private final double regularCost = 0.00;//base price for the blinds
private final double foldingCost = 10.00;//extra cost for folding blinds
private final double romanCost = 15.00;//extra cost for roman blinds
private final double twentyfiveInCost = 0.00; //extra cost for 25" blinds
private final double twentySevenInCost = 2.00;//extra cost for 27" blinds
private final double thirtyTwoInCost = 4.00;//extra cost for 32" blinds
private final double fourtyInCost = 6.00;//extra cost for 40" blinds
private final double naturalColorCost = 5.00;//extra cost for color
public ShadeDesigner()
//display a title
setTitle("Shade Designer");
// Specify what happens when the close button is clicked.
// Create the banner on a panel and add it to the North region.
add(bannerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
add(stylesPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
add(sizePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(colorPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
//build the bannerpanel
private void buildBannerPanel()
bannerPanel = new JPanel();
bannerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
banner = new JLabel("Shade Designer");
banner.setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 24));
private void stylesPanel()
JLabel styleTitle = new JLabel("Select a Style.");
stylesPanel = new JPanel();
stylesList = new JList (styles);
JScrollPane stylesScrollPane = new JScrollPane(stylesList);
stylesList.addListSelectionListener(new stylesListListener());
stylesPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
stylesPanel.add(styleTitle, BorderLayout.NORTH);
stylesPanel.add(stylesScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Styles = new JTextField (5);
//stylesPanel.add(StylesLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
stylesPanel.add(Styles, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
private class stylesListListener implements ListSelectionListener
public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent e)
String selection = (String) stylesList.getSelectedValue();
//size panel
private void sizePanel()
JLabel sizeTitle = new JLabel("Select a Size.");
sizePanel = new JPanel();
sizeList = new JList (size);
JScrollPane stylesScrollPane = new JScrollPane(sizeList);
sizeList.addListSelectionListener(new sizeListListener());
sizePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
sizePanel.add(sizeTitle, BorderLayout.NORTH);
sizePanel.add(stylesScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//sizeLabel = new JLabel("Style Selected: ");
Size = new JTextField (5);
//stylesPanel.add(StylesLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
sizePanel.add(Size, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
private class sizeListListener implements ListSelectionListener
public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent e)
String selection = (String) sizeList.getSelectedValue();
//color panel
private void colorPanel()
JLabel colorTitle = new JLabel("Select a Color.");
colorPanel = new JPanel();
colorList = new JList (colors);
JScrollPane colorScrollPane = new JScrollPane(colorList);
colorList.addListSelectionListener(new colorListListener());
colorPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
colorPanel.add(colorTitle, BorderLayout.NORTH);
colorPanel.add(colorScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//sizeLabel = new JLabel("Style Selected: ");
Color = new JTextField (5);
//stylesPanel.add(StylesLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
colorPanel.add(Color, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
private class colorListListener implements ListSelectionListener
public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent e)
String selection = (String) colorList.getSelectedValue();
//button panel
private void buttonPanel()
calcButton= new JButton ("Calculate Charges");
calcButton.addActionListener(new calcButtonListener());
ExitButton = new JButton ("Exit");
ExitButton.addActionListener(new ExitButtonListener());
buttonPanel = new JPanel();
private class calcButtonListener implements ActionListener
//actionPerformed method parementer e an actionevent object
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
// Create a DecimalFormat object.
DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
// Display the total.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "TotalCharges: $" +
private class ExitButtonListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//Exit the applicaiton
//static void main for the string
public static void main(String[] args)
new ShadeDesigner();
* File Name: ConfigPanel.java
* Date: 3/26/2012
* Programmer: Jamin A. Bishop
* @version 1.00 2012/3/22
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
class ConfigPanel extends JPanel
private JLabel SelectStyleLabel;
private JLabel SelectSizeLabel;
private JLabel SelectColorLabel;
private JPanel StylePricePanel;
private JPanel SizePricePanel;
private JPanel ColorPricePanel;
private JComboBox SelectStyleBox;
private JComboBox SelectSizeBox;
private JComboBox SelectColorBox;
private final int ROWS = 5;
private final int RegShadeadd = 0.00;
private final int FoldShadeadd = 10.00;
private final int RomanShadeadd = 15.00;
private final int 25inchadd = 0.00;
private final int 27inchadd = 2.00;
private final int 32inchadd = 4.00;
private final int 40inchadd = 6.00;
private final int Naturaladd = 5.00;
private final int Blueadd = 0.00;
private final int Tealadd = 0.00;
private final int Redadd = 0.00;
private final int Greenadd = 0.00;
//create the arrays to hold the values of the combo box's
private String[] StylePrice = {"Regular Shades", "Folding Shades", "Roman Shades"};
private String[] SizePrice = {"25 inches Wide", "27 inches Wide", "32 inches Wide", "40 inches Wide"};
private String[] ColorPrice = {"Nature", "Blue", "Teal", "Red", "Green"};
// constructor
public ConfigPanel ()
//build the panel
//add the panel to the content pane
add(StylePricePanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
add(SizePricePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(ColorPricePanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
//methods to hold the strings
public double getStylePrice ()
String selection = (String) StylePrice.getName(StylePrice);
public double getSizePrice ()
public double getColorPrice ()
* Filename: ShadeDesignerWindow.java
* Programmer: Jamin A. Bishop
* Date: 3/31/2012
* @version 1.00 2012/3/31
public class ShadeDesignerWindow extends JFrame
private JLabel banner; // To display a banner
private ConfigPanel configPanel; // To offer various configurations
private JPanel bannerPanel; // To hold the banner
private JPanel buttonPanel; // To hold the buttons
private JButton calcButton; // To calculate total charges
private JButton exitButton; // To exit the application
public ShadeDesignerWindow()
//Title Display
super("Shade Designer");
// Specify what happens when the close button is clicked.
// Create the banner on a panel.
bannerPanel = new JPanel();
bannerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
banner = new JLabel("Shade Designer");
banner.setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 24));
// Create a configuration panel.
configPanel = new ConfigPanel();
// Build the button panel.
// Add the banner and other panels to the content pane.
add(bannerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
add(configPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// Pack and display the window.
//buildButtonPanel method
private void buildButtonPanel()
// Create a button to calculate the charges.
calcButton = new JButton("Calculate Charges");
// Add an action listener to the button.
calcButton.addActionListener(new CalcButtonListener());
// Create a button to exit the application.
exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
// Add an action listener to the button.
exitButton.addActionListener(new ExitButtonListener());
// Put the buttons in their own panel.
buttonPanel = new JPanel();
//calcButtonListner and calcbutton component
private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener
//actionPerformed method
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
double totalCharges = 50.0; // Total charges
// Create a DecimalFormat object to format output.
DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
// Get the total charges
totalCharges += configPanel.getStylePrice() + configPanel.getSizePrice() +
// Display the message.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total Charges: $" +
} // End of inner class
//ExitButtonListener and exitButton component
private class ExitButtonListener implements ActionListener
//actionPerformed method
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
} // End of inner class
//The main method instantiates the ShadeDesigner class
public static void main(String[] args)
ShadeDesignerWindow sdw = new ShadeDesignerWindow();
我需要帮助才能使上述任一代码正常工作。我没有得到整个 configpanel 方法或它应该做什么。我从一个文件程序开始,因为那是我学习 Java 编程的方式。即使有实现,它总是一个swing文件或gui而不是两个。谢谢您的帮助。贾明·A·毕晓普