在 PHP 中,如何使用 fread() 来检查发送增强推送通知时是否有错误响应?

我已经阅读了 Apple 文档,通过 Google 发布了一些模糊的帖子,以及关于 SO 的几个问题/答案,但这仍然非常令人困惑。

以下是我查看的内容:http: //developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/IPhoneOSClientImp/IPhoneOSClientImp.html 从 Apple 使用 PHP iPhone 推送通知增强推送通知读取错误 - 错误响应问题

我将在下面回答我自己的问题,基于以下事实:(1)我发现这是一个非常令人困惑的话题,并且(2)我必须通过大量的试验和错误将信息拼凑在一起才能使其发挥作用, (3) 这篇博客文章说鼓励这样做:https ://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/07/its-ok-to-ask-and-answer-your-own-questions/


2 回答 2



  • 如果出现问题,Apple 会断开您的连接,但您不知道。当您使用基本通知时,无法知道它们是否都已发送。解决方案:这是使用增强通知然后检查错误响应的全部要点。请注意,我们将在数据库查询中使用“ORDER BY id”,然后使用 id 作为我们在通知中发送的标识符。这样,如果出现问题,我们就可以确切地知道数据库中的哪一行导致了问题(因此我们知道 Apple 何时断开我们并停止发送通知)。然后,我们可以继续向导致问题的行之后的所有行发送推送通知,而无需重新发送到我们已经发送到的行。

  • 如果一切正常,Apple 不会发回任何响应,因此这可能会导致您的脚本暂停并永远等待,而 fread() 正在等待未到来的数据。解决方案:需要将 stream_set_blocking 设置为 0,以便 fread 总是立即返回。请注意,这会导致 fread 在收到错误响应之前可能返回另一个小问题,但请参阅代码中的解决方法,即在所有发送完成后暂停 1/2 秒,然后再检查一次 fread .

  • 您可以发送多个推送通知,其速度比返回错误响应要快得多。解决方案:这与上面提到的解决方法相同......在所有发送完成后暂停 1/2 秒,然后再检查一次 fread。

这是我使用 PHP 的解决方案,它解决了我遇到的所有问题。它非常基本,但可以完成工作。我已经通过一次发送几个通知以及一次发送 120,000 个通知对其进行了测试。

 * Read Error Response when sending Apple Enhanced Push Notification
 * This assumes your iOS devices have the proper code to add their device tokens
 * to the db and also the proper code to receive push notifications when sent.

$host = "localhost";
$user = "my_db_username";
$pass = "my_db_password";
$dbname = "my_db_name";
$con = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
if (!$con) {
    die('Could not connect to database: ' . mysql_error());
} else {
    mysql_select_db($dbname, $con);

// IMPORTANT: make sure you ORDER BY id column
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,token FROM `device_tokens` ORDER BY id");

//Setup notification message
$body = array();
$body['aps'] = array('alert' => 'My push notification message!');
$body['aps']['notifurl'] = 'http://www.myexampledomain.com';
$body['aps']['badge'] = 1;

//Setup stream (connect to Apple Push Server)
$ctx = stream_context_create();
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', 'password_for_apns.pem_file');
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', 'apns.pem');
$fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://gateway.push.apple.com:2195', $err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $ctx);
stream_set_blocking ($fp, 0); //This allows fread() to return right away when there are no errors. But it can also miss errors during last seconds of sending, as there is a delay before error is returned. Workaround is to pause briefly AFTER sending last notification, and then do one more fread() to see if anything else is there.

if (!$fp) {
    echo "Failed to connect (stream_socket_client): $err $errstrn";
} else {
    $apple_expiry = time() + (90 * 24 * 60 * 60); //Keep push alive (waiting for delivery) for 90 days

    //Loop thru tokens from database
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $apple_identifier = $row["id"];
        $deviceToken = $row["token"];
        $payload = json_encode($body);
        //Enhanced Notification
        $msg = pack("C", 1) . pack("N", $apple_identifier) . pack("N", $apple_expiry) . pack("n", 32) . pack('H*', str_replace(' ', '', $deviceToken)) . pack("n", strlen($payload)) . $payload;
        //SEND PUSH
        fwrite($fp, $msg); 
        //We can check if an error has been returned while we are sending, but we also need to check once more after we are done sending in case there was a delay with error response.

    //Workaround to check if there were any errors during the last seconds of sending.
    usleep(500000); //Pause for half a second. Note I tested this with up to a 5 minute pause, and the error message was still available to be retrieved


    echo 'DONE!';


//FUNCTION to check if there is an error response from Apple
//         Returns TRUE if there was and FALSE if there was not
function checkAppleErrorResponse($fp) {

   //byte1=always 8, byte2=StatusCode, bytes3,4,5,6=identifier(rowID). Should return nothing if OK.
   $apple_error_response = fread($fp, 6);
   //NOTE: Make sure you set stream_set_blocking($fp, 0) or else fread will pause your script and wait forever when there is no response to be sent.

   if ($apple_error_response) {
        //unpack the error response (first byte 'command" should always be 8)
        $error_response = unpack('Ccommand/Cstatus_code/Nidentifier', $apple_error_response);

        if ($error_response['status_code'] == '0') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '0-No errors encountered';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '1') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '1-Processing error';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '2') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '2-Missing device token';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '3') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '3-Missing topic';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '4') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '4-Missing payload';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '5') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '5-Invalid token size';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '6') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '6-Invalid topic size';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '7') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '7-Invalid payload size';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '8') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '8-Invalid token';
        } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '255') {
            $error_response['status_code'] = '255-None (unknown)';
        } else {
            $error_response['status_code'] = $error_response['status_code'] . '-Not listed';

        echo '<br><b>+ + + + + + ERROR</b> Response Command:<b>' . $error_response['command'] . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Identifier:<b>' . $error_response['identifier'] . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Status:<b>' . $error_response['status_code'] . '</b><br>';
        echo 'Identifier is the rowID (index) in the database that caused the problem, and Apple will disconnect you from server. To continue sending Push Notifications, just start at the next rowID after this Identifier.<br>';

        return true;
   return false;
于 2012-04-07T22:50:16.703 回答



https://github.com/sebastianborggrewe/PHP-Apple-Push-Notification-Server https://github.com/bortuzar/PHP-Mysql---Apple-Push-Notification-Server

已经测试了 3 i 个示例中的 2 个,并且没有实施和错误管理问题。



于 2012-04-07T22:22:12.520 回答