在我的机器 Lion 10.7.3 上安装 XCode 3.2.6 时,我已经花了两天的时间,但到目前为止我还没有运气。我已经按照此处的安装说明进行操作:在 Lion Redux 上安装 Xcode 3.2.6 和在 Mac OS X Lion (10.7) 中安装 Xcode 3.2.6,但两者都不起作用。我总是收到安装未知错误,请参阅附图。请帮忙..非常感谢。在此处输入图像描述

机器:Macbook 操作系统:Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 安装了 XCode 4.3

Apr  8 17:14:27 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Set authorization level to root for session
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Will use PK session
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Starting installation:
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Configuring volume "Mac OS X"
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Preparing disk for local booted install.
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Free space on "Mac OS X": 108.39 GB (108385030144 bytes).
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Create temporary directory "/var/folders/g8/87n3y6s561x_62y3d9h7y5480000gn/T//Install.326LicomV"
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: IFPKInstallElement (22 packages)
Apr  8 17:14:28 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Using authorization level of root for IFPKInstallElement
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Failed install preflight: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=102 "The package “iPhoneSDK4_3.pkg” is untrusted." UserInfo=0x7c375830 {PKInstallPackageIdentifier=com.apple.pkg.iPhoneSDK4_3, NSLocalizedDescription=The package “iPhoneSDK4_3.pkg” is untrusted., NSUnderlyingError=0x7c3e0d30 "The operation couldn’t be completed. CSSMERR_TP_CERT_EXPIRED", NSURL=../Packages/iPhoneSDK4_3.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Xcode%20and%20iOS%20SDK/Xcode%20and%20iOS%20SDK.mpkg/}
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: IFDInstallController 7AE66E10 state = 7
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
Apr  8 17:14:29 mo-macbook Installer[326]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'An unknown installation error occurred.

The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.

5 回答 5


我通过将时钟设置为 01-01-2012 解决了这个错误。


于 2012-05-06T13:14:23.577 回答

将日期设置回 2011 年对我有用。我在日志中看到的确切错误是 IFDInstallController 7912F940 state = 7

于 2012-06-27T20:11:26.727 回答

最后,我得到了这个工作。此错误“无法完成操作。CSSMERR_TP_CERT_EXPIRED ”将我指向此站点Fixing packages with expired signatures


  1. 使用此脚本flatpkgfixer.py 展平光盘映像
  2. 挂载我的光盘映像
  3. 在终端执行此命令,导出 COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL=1
  4. 打开“/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg”

XCode 3.2.6 在我的 Lion 10.7.3 上成功安装。干杯!

于 2012-04-09T08:20:59.137 回答

运行软件更新。它应该提供“Apple 软件安装程序更新”。安装那个。我认为它应该解决这个问题。

于 2012-04-08T16:31:00.653 回答

我通过将系统日期设置为 2011 年实现了安装它。它就像一个魅力!

于 2012-05-13T09:26:58.703 回答