我查看了 Taymon 的推荐,pyparsing,并成功破解了此处提供的示例以满足我的需要。它在模拟 Javascript 方面效果很好,eval()
from pyparsing import *
TRUE = Keyword("true").setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
FALSE = Keyword("false").setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
NULL = Keyword("null").setParseAction(replaceWith(None))
jsonString = dblQuotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
jsonNumber = Combine(Optional('-') + ('0' | Word('123456789', nums)) +
Optional('.' + Word(nums)) +
Optional(Word('eE', exact=1) + Word(nums + '+-', nums)))
jsonObject = Forward()
jsonValue = Forward()
# black magic begins
commaToNull = Word(',,', exact=1).setParseAction(replaceWith(None))
jsonElements = ZeroOrMore(commaToNull) + Optional(jsonValue) + ZeroOrMore((Suppress(',') + jsonValue) | commaToNull)
# black magic ends
jsonArray = Group(Suppress('[') + Optional(jsonElements) + Suppress(']'))
jsonValue << (jsonString | jsonNumber | Group(jsonObject) | jsonArray | TRUE | FALSE | NULL)
memberDef = Group(jsonString + Suppress(':') + jsonValue)
jsonMembers = delimitedList(memberDef)
jsonObject << Dict(Suppress('{') + Optional(jsonMembers) + Suppress('}'))
jsonComment = cppStyleComment
def convertNumbers(s, l, toks):
n = toks[0]
return int(n)
except ValueError:
return float(n)
def test():
tests = (
'[1,2]', # ok
'[,]', # ok
'[,,]', # ok
'[ , , , ]', # ok
'[,1]', # ok
'[,,1]', # ok
'[1,,2]', # ok
'[1,]', # failure, I got [1, None], I should have [1]
'[1,,]', # failure, I got [1, None, None], I should have [1, None]
for test in tests:
results = jsonArray.parseString(test)