简短回答:不,这不是您应该编写 RSpec(或任何测试)描述的方式。这是非常规的,不会为额外的代码增加太多价值。
长答案:RSpec 是一个 BDD(行为驱动开发)工具,旨在帮助描述代码的行为和意图,同时编写自动化测试。当您考虑代码的行为时,将预期结果添加到测试描述中真的会增加很多价值吗?如果是这样,也许您应该重新考虑您正在测试的内容。
例如,假设您有一个 User 类,并且您想测试一个连接用户名字和姓氏的方法:
describe User do
expected_full_name = 'Software Guy'
subject { User.new(first: 'Software', last: 'Guy') }
it 'should have the full name #{expected_full_name}' do
subject.full_name.should == 'Software Guy'
describe User do
subject { User.new(first: 'Software', last: 'Guy') }
it 'should have a full name based on the first and last names' do
subject.full_name.should == 'Software Guy'
Take your example. If I was coming along to your project and saw a test description like that, I would be confused because it doesn't really tell me what is being tested. I would still need to look at the code to understand what is going on. Compare these two examples:
it "displays the #{expected_page_title} page title" do
view.content_for(:page_title).should have_content(expected_page_title)
Which would give you something in the console like:
"displays the My Awesome Title page title"
Compare that to:
it "should translate the page title" do
view.content_for(:page_title).should have_content(expected_page_title)
Which would be exactly the same in the console as it is in the test:
"should translate the page title"
Your obviously free to choose whichever one you want, but I am speaking from a few years of testing experience and highly recommend you don't do this.