我想在 iPhone 的 AR 中使用 open SU​​RF 进行识别。匹配源图像和目标图像后,我不知道如何从相机帧中源图像和目标图像的匹配点获取姿势矩阵。喜欢这个博客http:// /computer-vision-talks.com/2011/02/markerless-augmented-reality-on-iphone/#comment-993 但他没有解释这一点。请任何教程、代码或书籍,以便我了解这个概念。请指导我。提前非常感谢。


1 回答 1


(^.^)"Hi sorry for my English is not good if someone like correct my redaction I would appreciate this"

Hi @Rehman I'm working with AR right now and I'm using one open source his name is Aurasma aurasma is very easy you don`t have to create an additional line of code just create one UIButton and launch the AR viewController is very easy to use. Take a look

于 2012-04-23T04:11:27.247 回答